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Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post How dumb is this mainspring idea? Mike Benda 15 1981 April 29, 2015 20:51 by David E. Booth, Jr. visit to the Black Forest Kenneth R. Sloan 0 551 April 25, 2015 22:08 What is This? Ken Snowden 5 1018 April 25, 2015 03:12 by Paul D. Trombley Suspension Rod Help Needed Brian C. 6 199 April 03, 2015 21:45 by David E. Booth, Jr. What is this Chelsea Movt From? William D. White 7 1165 March 24, 2015 12:41 by Paul D. Trombley shopping in Baden-Baden? Kenneth R. Sloan 0 547 March 22, 2015 21:30 Hamilton presentation clock Edward A. Huston 15 2437 March 18, 2015 17:46 by Bill Carlson Seth Thomas Parlor No. 1 Calendar Ken Snowden 13 1695 March 18, 2015 09:01 by John Willis MOVEMENT ID HELP - HAS CROSSED LEGS TRADEMARK? Roddy J. Brunton 3 811 March 15, 2015 13:11 by Roddy J. Brunton Spring Ahead Saturday Night! Dr. Debbie Irvine 0 553 March 07, 2015 06:06 Junghans W33 Balance staff Melvin Siedman 3 129 March 01, 2015 11:55 by Dr. Debbie Irvine Who made these two clocks and one case? Eugene Buffard 9 1412 February 28, 2015 18:48 by Paul D. Trombley New Haven Movement and Case w/ Seth dial - Finally identified and running Paul D. Trombley 29 3357 February 25, 2015 11:37 by Lorne Wasylishen Dial Question: Waterbury OG, ca. 1860's - 1870's Michael P. McNamee 11 1587 February 23, 2015 12:52 by Paul D. Trombley Sessions Electric Clock Dave Turner 1 735 February 20, 2015 13:23 by Paul D. Trombley Floor versus Wall Clock Debate, 1870s Style Michael P. McNamee 7 1489 February 15, 2015 20:59 by Michael P. McNamee French Morbier with alarm function - Dave T is bringing her back to life Paul D. Trombley 16 2155 February 08, 2015 10:10 by John Willis Seth Thomas movement Identification Ken Snowden 7 2406 February 01, 2015 23:10 by Ken Snowden 2.75" Chelsea - Ball Watch Co brass cased "automobile" or "Yacht" clock Paul D. Trombley 8 1773 January 24, 2015 14:33 by Peter Kaszubski Fusee Marble Clock Made in England - Finished and hung at home 1-15-15 Paul D. Trombley 19 2580 January 19, 2015 19:56 by John Willis Help with ID? "Swinden & Sons" on dial Mark Clark 12 2279 January 05, 2015 07:57 by Mark Clark Pequegnat Moncton Station Clock. Lorne Wasylishen 14 2573 January 03, 2015 12:38 by Tim Poovey 6 Navy Clocks, how do I date and find vessel? Paul D. Trombley 16 6032 December 07, 2014 00:11 by Mike Hodge More mysterious clock movements -maker?? Roddy J. Brunton 1 802 November 21, 2014 15:08 by Roddy J. Brunton Any IHC185 members in Scotland? Roddy J. Brunton 3 944 November 21, 2014 09:43 by Mike Haig Clock movement id? Roddy J. Brunton 2 925 November 21, 2014 06:32 by Roddy J. Brunton seth thomas question Samie L. Smith 19 3127 November 09, 2014 12:04 by Dave Turner watches and clocks James Wickes 0 689 October 30, 2014 10:57 Where to buy Mounting Screws (Seth Thomas 86 movement) Dave Turner 2 932 October 28, 2014 11:51 by Dave Turner Seth Thomas #2 with Wabash Logo Eugene Buffard 19 3203 October 12, 2014 20:13 by Eugene Buffard What is medaille d'argent clock 1855 David Abbe 3 4656 October 08, 2014 17:18 by Norman Mayberry Ansonia regulator info Please Eugene Buffard 22 4049 September 22, 2014 18:52 by Eugene Buffard I some info on this unusual Clock BRASS {Ships???} Eugene Buffard 10 1547 September 22, 2014 18:50 by Eugene Buffard International Time Recorder Clock Ken Snowden 6 1457 September 18, 2014 07:50 by Norman Mayberry Ansonia General Railroad Clock Andy Gay 15 2363 August 13, 2014 19:45 by Larry Buchan Wooden cased wall-clock Jack Winch 2 1406 August 11, 2014 09:48 by Jack Winch Visitor from the watch boards with a clock question Page 1 2 Jim Robson 39 9943 August 04, 2014 16:41 by Bill Carlson Self Winding Clock Ken Snowden 7 1441 August 03, 2014 18:52 by Tim Poovey Kroeber Clock? Ken Snowden 8 1364 July 19, 2014 22:19 by Ken Snowden Pennsylvania Tall Case? Ken Snowden 17 2223 July 12, 2014 20:37 by Ken Snowden Junghans "Free Swinger" [Not Vienna] Regulator Tim Poovey 13 2182 June 19, 2014 14:08 by Tim Poovey Chelsea Navy Clock Gary E. Cochran 7 1489 May 29, 2014 03:47 by Peter Kaszubski Clock Companies Patrick Wallin 2 1163 May 22, 2014 12:04 by Tim Poovey Cleaning Marble / Slate Clock Cases Ken Snowden 1 760 May 10, 2014 16:14 by Dave Turner Ingraham 8 day Duplex Dave Turner 14 2312 May 10, 2014 08:51 by Dave Turner Ingraham Treasure Island Banjo Tim Poovey 12 2231 May 08, 2014 20:51 by Tim Poovey clock movement id help? Got them all worked out now. Roddy J. Brunton 9 1481 April 24, 2014 19:36 by Roddy J. Brunton Seth Thomas, movement? Larry Buchan 1 807 April 21, 2014 11:26 by Larry Buchan Clock repairs? Larry Buchan 0 676 April 21, 2014 11:18 French? Slate/Marble clock Dave Turner 1 772 April 18, 2014 09:33 by Dave Turner