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Floor versus Wall Clock Debate, 1870s Style "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1955
Picture of Michael P. McNamee
For two years I've been debating whether to get a grandfather clock as opposed to a large wall clock for my family room. I finally decided on a 42-inch Waterbury "Regulator 82" wall clock. Although the room is easily large enough to accommodate a wall clock of that size, I finally had to admit that a 9-10 foot floor clock would be too much, even for a room with a 12-foot ceiling.

While agonizing over the decision, a pair of wonderful 1870's songs came to mind. The first requires no introduction, as it is one of the best-loved American folk tunes ever written (although I'm guessing that a lot of folks aren't familiar with the third and fourth verses). It was composed by Henry C. Work in 1876. There's a wonderful rendition of all four verses, performed by a terrific vocalist named Tom Roush, at:


What many may not be familiar with is the equally poignant sequel, written two years later, in which Mr. Work deplores the ugly fate of his grandfather's clock and castigates "that vain, stuck-up thing on the wall." You can hear Mr. Roush's rendition at:


Both of these videos feature period sheet music and period advertising. Very cool, if you're moved by this sort of thing. Smile

Posts: 1088 | Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA | Registered: October 15, 2013
IHC Member 1725
Enjoyed the videos Mike, brought a smile to my day.

Thanks for posting!

Posts: 376 | Location: Conover, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: July 07, 2012
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
I think it would depend on one's taste as to a large wall clock or Grandfather clock. Both are fairly loud tickers in a quiet room but I give the edge to my Grandfather clock with it's Westminster Chimes.

A word of caution though, overnight guests always complain next morning about the ticking in the middle of the night and the chimes, but I rarely hear either !! Maybe I need to "buy" some new guests !!

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
Cool, thank you Michael, I knew I had heard that music before. This is a pleasing female rendition sprinkled throughout a CBC documentary called "Too Tall For the Shelf, The Grandfather Clock".

The first part is about the only watchmakers school left in Canada, then a piece about a train ride, then is the story of The Grandfather Clock.

Just drag the slider to the 24 minute mark for The Grandfather Clock but the whole thing is time well spent. It will play while you open another window and search the internet for pocket watches. Smile

It's About Time
Posts: 2093 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: March 02, 2011
IHC Member 1955
Picture of Michael P. McNamee
Glad you guys enjoyed the videos!

Lorne, I clicked on the link, but the video would not expand. Great music, though!
Posts: 1088 | Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA | Registered: October 15, 2013
Picture of Donald Hawes
I know what Buster means about guests complaining. I have to stop all six of my wind & chime clocks every time my daughter comes with her family for a visit. It's a pain getting them all restarted with the correct time. Also like Buster, I never really notice the ticking & chiming much except when I'm having a long night.
Posts: 345 | Location: Racine, Wisconsin in the USA | Registered: November 15, 2010
Picture of Dave Turner
Michael, How about putting up a picture of you Waterbury?

Dave Turner
Posts: 1979 | Location: Wilson, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: November 15, 2011
IHC Member 1955
Picture of Michael P. McNamee
Absolutely, Dave. Sorry for the delayed response. Here it is:

Posts: 1088 | Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA | Registered: October 15, 2013
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