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Info requested for Mr. J. Bruce Weeks "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Justin J. Miller
posted February 14, 2005 19:52
Bruce could not reply to your post..would only do a quick reply. I think Pattey had the same problem???

Here are some pics for you out of the 1904 GK catalog.

The more I looked at the catalog I think your clock is not like the 561 as I said first, but like the #46... the omly differnce with yours and the number 46 is the size.. I will psot them both you tell me.

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Picture of Justin J. Miller
posted February 14, 2005 19:54
Here is the one i thought it looked like before.. THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT # please look at the post below the pictues (#46)

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Picture of Justin J. Miller
posted February 14, 2005 19:57
Here is the clock out of the shop of Bruce Weeks.

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Picture of Justin J. Miller
posted February 14, 2005 20:02
Here it is GK case style #46

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
posted February 15, 2005 08:21

Yes, #46 seems to be exactly what we have here. It is 1/4 strike & quail, large movement and walnut casing. The dimensions seem about right, I will measure later today. Probably is going to be returned to the customer by Noon today. I am running about a week late on my promise. Jury duty all the month of February has put a crimp in my regular style.

I am not sure why you can only do a quick reply. Perhaps because it is a photo gallery post? I'm sure the system admin knows.

Thanks again!
Posts: 179 | Location: Charlotte, Michigan U.S.A. | Registered: March 31, 2004
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