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J. H. Rosberg Watchmakers Bench "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
At our shop, on Cherie's bench we used a piece of T-Shirt cotton because it is easier to "bounce and see" the teeny parts without them bouncing out. Of course I use my velcro apron (as at home) on my "Cheapo" bench. I like it because it is identical to the home bench in all ways, and somehow that makes it easier to work at either.

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth

Nice set up you got there. My question is, do find the lower left hand drawer a hindurance as far as leg space goes? I was kind of thinking of centering that "catch" shelf in the center of the working space in my design. I have kind of wide legs and I'm a furly big man.

Posts: 1980 | Location: Kentucky in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
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Picture of David Abbe
So am I and I fit fine when I look at someting at that bench.

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Picture of Edward Kitner
Nice watchmakers bench.
How high is the top from the floor?
Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
IHC Life Member
Thanks David Smile I have put the bench to good use and have restored a number of pockets on it already. Since I posted the original pictures I have placed a drafting table pad on top and it is VERY nice to work on. The pad is a bit pricey...was $50 at Michaels, but we had a 50% off coupon, so got it for $25...but it really makes a big difference. I have also found that having a workbench that was designed specifically for the purpose makes for a much more organized and efficient operation. I'm looking forward to seeing what some of you design for yourselves.
Posts: 1078 | Location: Ticonderoga, New York USA | Registered: March 01, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Ed the height of the Watchmaker's bench and the low cost workbenchs (with table added) are all about 42" (1.07 m) above the floor

Roger, with our 185 group, anything is possible and everything can be shared. I thoroughly enjoy working on watches and musing on my "observations" with my friends on IHC 185.

Having these benches facilitates my personal "ZEN and the art of watch maintenance" along with my "velcro apron" which allows the peace of mind to concentrate and drop less stuff.

Cherie's "bench bib" is much better for her as she has to get up more oftem to deal with the business while I can stay and just cruise.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
IHC Member 1101
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth

That is what I used on my little table top work board featured a few photos up from here. It works great....easy to clean and has a little less "bounce" to it than a hard surface. It is what I will use on the full size bench I hope to get started on here soon. I got a scrap piece from our art department at work to use on my little board but I will probably have to buy a larger piece for the full size bench.

Posts: 1980 | Location: Kentucky in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
IHC Member 1101
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth
Here is a crude photo of the design on the computer screen. I couldn't get a dark enough print out on the printer....need to play with the parameters more or something. Anyway, basic design....it will need some refinements but is drawn to the dimensions that Roger gave me.


Posts: 1980 | Location: Kentucky in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
IHC Life Member
Nice design Steve...That will be one sweet bench!!
Posts: 1078 | Location: Ticonderoga, New York USA | Registered: March 01, 2008
Picture of Edward Kitner
I needed a bench for this winter so I built this table top bench. I opted for more roomer drawers and not having a lost parts skirt. I use a white apron attached to the bench like David Abbe showed in one of his pics.
It has been working out fine for me for this past month, although I had to alter the sides to accommodate my long arms.
The bench is made from left over pine, except for the large drawer front, which is cherry. The top is covered with a piece of vinyl from an old drafting table at work. The top is taped down to eliminate the small crack between the bench and top cover where screws can hide. I got this idea from a post someone had here on IHC185. (sorry I don't remember who it was)
It is portable so I can work in the kitchen, or even here at my computer desk.

Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Ed, you are indeed an artist. I think working at a bench that is that nicely thought out, must also "telegraph" into better work done!

btw, I got my aprons at WalMart for $3.95 each. I sewed the velcro to the aprons (with the apron pcokets turned in "facing my tummy") and "glued" the velcro to the benches with "goop" which adheres well to the acrylic-based finishes.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Picture of Edward Kitner
David, thank you.
I just noticed in your pic that you have a sheet ( or something) under your bench. I was thinking about that yesterday when I lost a ratchel wheel from a very small womens w/w, still haven't found it! I was thinking about a painters drop cloth. Light colored and heavier than a sheet.
Posts: 1488 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
I made a white drop out of some 36" wide llightweight white cotton material and then draped it up the walls. I use a transparent vinyl floor mat for the chair to roll on where my chair rolls around. I wear soft muckluks so if I DO drop something I will have less chance of damaging it while looking for it.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
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