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Assembly of 18s full plate movement "Click" to Login or Register 
posted February 02, 2019 00:20
When re assembling 18s movement I have trouble with the pallet fork during assembly with some movements because of the balance wheel bottom jewel hub have been removing top pallet jewel before assembly to manipulate it into the hub easier but still concerned about bending pallet pivot or dislocating pallet jewel any one got an easy way to install pallet fork during assembly
Posts: 68 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
IHC Member 1650
posted February 02, 2019 10:09
I turn the top plate upside down and put the pallet fork on it. I use a small piece of rodico to hold it in place. Then I turn the top plate over and assemble it to the bottom plate. Works great. IHC member Gene Buffard taught me that.

I talked to another watchmaker who assembles everything to the top plate, then attaches the bottom plate. He basically does the entire assembly upside down.

Good luck.
Posts: 382 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: November 17, 2011
posted February 02, 2019 14:54
Thanks makes sense always dreaded the fitting of the pallet fork can see how this way will make it easier thanks heaps
Posts: 68 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
Picture of Brian C.
posted February 03, 2019 11:46
Assemble everything on the top plate, then put the bottom plate on.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
posted February 03, 2019 17:33
Hi JefF , Rodico is my favorite , another method is a C-shaped clip that can be made from an old mainspring and used like this picture shows,I hope this helps

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
posted February 03, 2019 20:40
Thanks fellas going to try rodico when cools down heat wave here at the moment
Guess I been assembling upside down you get that when you live down under lol
Posts: 68 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
posted February 06, 2019 15:32
A heat wave ! last week we did not get over freezing !
Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
posted February 06, 2019 22:45
way will make it easier thanks heaps
Posts: 40 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
Brian C.
IHC Member 107

posted February 03, 2019 11:46
Assemble everything on the top plate,
Posts: 68 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
posted February 07, 2019 23:14
Tried as suggested lot easier thanks
Over there you getting minus degrees where I am last 25 days 42 degrees max or better 3 days over 50 deg
Cheers and thanks fellas
Posts: 68 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
posted February 08, 2019 14:09
I have a spring like Kevin has pictured. I have come up with a system I use and like. I have a small round magnet a little larger than a BB and I put it on the outside of the plate in the pallet fork jewel and it hold the pallet fork in any position I move the plate. I always demagnetize the watch so it does not hurt anything. I would not try this method unless you have a way to demagnetize the watch.

Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
Picture of Brian C.
posted February 09, 2019 18:55
Rodico, springs and magnets? You guys are scaring me. An 18s movement should be put together on the top plate, then put on the bottom plate. None of the above things mentioned needs to be used.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
posted February 12, 2019 15:30
Is heaps easier to Assemble parts on top plate though I found a bit of rodico on pallet leaver end steady pallet laver so pallet jewels don't get caught up in escape wheel and is easy to remove thanks for everyone's advise
Posts: 68 | Location: New South Wales, Australia | Registered: June 21, 2015
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