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Hamilton ads from National Geographic Magazine "Click" to Login or Register 
this is from may 1962

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from aug 1962

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from oct 1962

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from nov 1962

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from dec 1962

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from may 1963

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from jun 1963

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from oct 1963

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from dec 1963

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from may 1964

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from dec 1964

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from nov 1965

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from may 1966

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from nov 1966

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from may 1967

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from jun 1967

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from oct 1967. same as from jun

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from nov 1967

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from may 1968

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from oct 1968

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from dec 1968. same as oct

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
this is from oct 1969. this is the last ad Hamilton ran in nat. geo. before going under. it has been my pleasure to post all of them and I hope everyone enjoys looking at them as much as I do. my only regret is that there were not enough pocket watches but that is how the market went.

Posts: 458 | Location: Norfolk, Virginia in the USA | Registered: July 24, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of Mitch Markovitz
It's been a pleasure to look at all those ads.

Not only the excellence in watchmaking, Hamilton excelled in their advertising.
Posts: 464 | Location: Northern Indiana in the USA | Registered: May 04, 2009
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
Amen to that, Mitch!

Thank you so VERY much for all this work you've done in sharing these ads with us, Joe!

HIGH regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

What a fascinating journey!

I have always enjoyed advertising from several standpoints. It mirrors our culture uniquely, in an artistic and highly creative way it tells us what people were wearing, what they were involved in and even what they were thinking about at any given time.

Thanks a million Joe, this is a wonderful resource.

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Chris Hughes
Whatever agency they used for the final five or so years worth of ads had a very innovative approach. I really love the early to mid 60s era in advertising. There was a graphic revolution happening back then.
Posts: 310 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2010
Picture of Mary Ann Scott
Thank you very much, Joe, for taking your valuable time to post all of these ads for us!

It is most interesting to see the changes that occurred during those years reflected in Hamilton's advertising. Styling, both of the watches and print media, and the cultural mores in place at any given time come through in those ads. Like a snapshot of life condensed in an image. Wonderful!
Posts: 1047 | Location: The Colony, Texas in the USA | Registered: December 20, 2008
Joe I have looked and read each and every ad you kindly posted. My deepest respect and gratitute for the effort you put in. Many thanks for that sad ended journey, I always thought old stories had a happy ending?


My WWW collection is now complete, time to look for new ventures!
Posts: 699 | Location: Hannover in Germany | Registered: July 23, 2009
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