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Roskopf Legacy Photo Album "Click" to Login or Register 
Next year it is 200 years ago Georges Frederic Roskopf was Born. For his celebration i am (trying) making a pfotobook from his watches. Because there are so many different pieces and models i need the help of everybody in the world.
Do you have some nice pictures off a Roskopf watch? Do you know collectors? For the book i need 1000 pics, so help is welkom.
I hope for respons
Regards Johnny Belgium
Posts: 3 | Location: Limburg in Belgium | Registered: January 09, 2012
Johnny, do you know this book?

Posts: 192 | Location: Vicenza in Italy | Registered: February 04, 2009
Hey Peter,

Offcourse i have the book. My pictures are in the book (pg 70-71).
I want to make a book with only pictures, no comment!
I have already made contact with the daughter from Albin (Albin past away)Anita, she is gonna give me copies off her fathers work.
Regards Johnny
Posts: 3 | Location: Limburg in Belgium | Registered: January 09, 2012
Sorry, I didn't see this topic was also in the european section. Can it be moved there in its entirety before we can continue?
Posts: 192 | Location: Vicenza in Italy | Registered: February 04, 2009
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Hope this helps,


Posts: 5377 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Thank you Debbie.

Hello Johnny,

I am sorry to hear of Albin passing. When I dealt with him about his book, he struck me as a very nice fellow, he even wrote a personal dedication in it. I found this book very well researched and written, an authoritative work on Roskopf's watches.
My compliments for your watches, very nice examples. I just have a couple of them that I got at the beginning of my collecting when the direction was not yet clear (American pockets). Not much worth publishing, here is a quick picture for you to judge.

Posts: 192 | Location: Vicenza in Italy | Registered: February 04, 2009
Hey Peter,

The watch on the right with arabic(?) tekst is one i could juse in my book. Can you sent me a picture from that watch? My mailadres willefreres@hotmail.com
thanks, Johnny
Posts: 3 | Location: Limburg in Belgium | Registered: January 09, 2012
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