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Rockford 18s KW - Stemwind Conversion? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1650
I recently picked up this Rockford movement, thinking it was KW/KS, but when I looked closer, I saw a winding arbor at the edge of the movement. The movement # is 15323. I figured this was too early to be a transitional mvmt.

Does anyone recognize this? Is it factory, or a conversion of some kind?

Posts: 382 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: November 17, 2011
IHC Member 1650
Dial side

Posts: 382 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: November 17, 2011
IHC Member 1650
Dial removed

Posts: 382 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: November 17, 2011
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
I just sold two Rockfords like that one. Both were transitional and one even had a very low serial number of 7280. Both had different stem winding arrangements. I posted here and most thought they were conversions and probably Abbott conversions.

Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
I have a transition model very much like it.
Posts: 61 | Location: Oak Island, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: November 06, 2017
That is an interesting rockford , I thought I read somewhere that some early rockfords had been sent out for conversion , I was unable to find the article , but it is out there , I also ran across this early conversion

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
IHC Member 1650
I saw that one, too. It is an Abbott's Patent conversion. When I disassembled mine, I found that the winding bridge has the movement serial number on it - so I'm assuming it was done at the factory. It just seems strange that mine, with such a low serial number would be a transition model when the Rockford parts list doesn't show stem winding parts until Model 2's came out - at serial # 115,000. I'm trying to decide whether to track down the broken and missing winding/setting parts, or just case it as a KW/KS.
Posts: 382 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: November 17, 2011
I have an early one for stem wind , 53195, it appears to be a model 2 , and I believe it is one of the earliest runs to have stem wind , I have seen 1-2 others of close serialnumber, if you trust the serial runs are done in order . this one has 23 jewels scribed under the regulator , if only they put the thought into action !

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
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