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Hamilton 960 Case "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Thomas M. Cusack
Need a little help. Looking for correct case for a 960. Pictures would be very helpful. I know the case it is in can not be right has old screw marks on case. Ser.#68510 finished 6/17/1902 model 3
Posts: 175 | Location: New Hampshire in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2015
Even as late as 1916 in the Hamilton Time book they offered the 950 and lower grade 16 size watches with the following configurations 14K extra heavy plain or engine turned $110, 14K gold heave plain or engine turned $100, Hamilton permanent gold filled both open face joint and swing ring plain or engine turned $72.00 and Price movement alone $60.00. The 990 and 996 had about the same offerings but the 992 and lower grades were listed as movement only and that included the 18s 940/941. Based on that I would think unless there is something odd about the 960, special size or stem needed I would think any time era case would work. 1902 is well before you typically see factory cased watches.

The 1903 OY catalog shows the 960/961 and 964//965 as movements only stating these movements will fit the New Model 16 size cases only with the comment Fancy dials and special named movements furnished to order. Below this header under the 3/4 plate the 970/971 968/969, 972/973 974/975 are also listed so I would think a regular taller pendant 16s would be ok.
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
Picture of Thomas M. Cusack
Thanks Claude, for the information. So I might have the right case for the movement. Can;t see any case name, Will try and post a picture of this case or look for another one.
Posts: 175 | Location: New Hampshire in the USA | Registered: March 04, 2015
I didn't see any reason that any correct size case wouldn't be an option as long as the case hold down marks were correct so not to look re-cased. The 96x grades are not all that common nor are the 970/971 but I think the 972-975 might be options if the case is not quite what you are looking for since the 960 is a nice uncommon grade.
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
I would think that a tall pendant, goldfilled , maybe keystone case would do , going by the examples for sale , what does your case look like Thomas ?

Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
The one Kevin pictured would be time period correct, the super tall pendant were in the later 1800's, this style is from the later 1800's to early 1900's then around 1910 or so you started seeing the shorter pendants and around the 1920's or so you see the no pendant types. Any brand gold plate or gold filled with a fancy bow would dress a 960 up nicely.
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
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