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18 size 23j Hampdens--Estimated Blocked serial Numbers "Click" to Login or Register 
12-Size Expert
Picture of Robert Schussel
In an attempt to bring more attention to Hampdens RR watches I have estimated the blocked serial numbers for 18 size 23 jewel Hampdens. These estimates are based on the Hampden Watch Co book and my own research.

Please be aware that these estimates involve some subjectivity. However,I feel that the estimates do provide some indication of relative scarcity.

Again,I think it is interesting to point out the relatively small number of high grade Hampdens produced compared to the other major companies.

I realise that some of my estimates may be too late for the 2008 Price Guide but hope that others find them useful as an intermediate step.

Would the Moderator also include this thread in the Price Guide update section.

A table in Word is also attached that may be easier to read.

23j 18 Size Hampden
Grade Movement Blocked Serial

New Railway RRG
ON3L-5 Position 2,200
ON3L-Adjusted 5,500
HN4L- Adjusted 800

Special Railway
ON3L -5 Position 3,300
OT3L- 5 Position 250
ON3L-Adjusted ????
OT3L-Adjusted 7,500+
HN4L-5 Positions 250
HT4L-Adjusted 2,025
HT4L-5 Positions 400

George R Calhoun
(Pvt Label)
OT3L-Adj 50

ON=open face, HN=Hunter
OT or HT=tuo tone

Word Doc23j_18_size_Hampden.doc (32 Kb, 136 downloads) 23j 18 size Hampdens
Posts: 621 | Location: Vallejo, California U.S.A. | Registered: July 10, 2004
Picture of Stephan Gaal
Hello Robert, I actually have one of these. One of the more common ones I suspect but I agree it is a nice watch.

Posts: 431 | Location: South Victoria, Australia | Registered: January 18, 2007
12-Size Expert
Picture of Robert Schussel
It is a nice looking watch.

The watch is listed as ON3L 5 Position.According to my estimate 3,300 serial numbers were reserved.

If this was a Ball,Hamilton,Howard or Illinois we would be talking about a scarce and expensive watch.

Posts: 621 | Location: Vallejo, California U.S.A. | Registered: July 10, 2004
My New RailWay 23j adjusted 5 pos. The sn is 2353435. It is marked "double roller" and "adjusted to five positions"
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
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