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Where's Kyle Shold??? "Click" to Login or Register 
I tried to email Kyle Shold to order some more of his kangaroo skin pocket watch lanyards. Both the emails I have for him didn't work. Does anyone know how to get into contact with him?

Posts: 225 | Location: Belmont, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 09, 2004
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
I'm trying a different angle to raise him, Larry. Stay tuned. I'll post if I'm successful.

Regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Here is a topic about Kyle's workmanship...

INTERESTING TOPIC: Kangaroo leather plaited watch fobs

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
That would be great. I did a Goggle search and found a Kyle Shold who is an illustrator. Would that be the same fella?

I bought some of Kyles lanyards some time ago. the only problem is that i didn't buy enough of them. He does excellent work.

Posts: 225 | Location: Belmont, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 09, 2004
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
That's the same fellow. He does great illustration work as well!

He confirms this address: quote:

My email is:


Talk to you soon!

Kyle :unquote

He also told me separately that he has about an 8 month backlog, but once he gets rolling, all that will be cleared up in very short order.

I told him folks were waiting in the wings, and he needed to check his email.

Regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
Thanks for your efforts. I'll set his email aside until he gets caught up.

Posts: 225 | Location: Belmont, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 09, 2004
Picture of Clyde Roper
I also contacted Kyle recently by email and was also told he was quite behind in work and would have to catch up before taking new orders.

I can't wait to get a few of his lanyards in hand. Smile
Posts: 203 | Location: North Carolina in the USA | Registered: December 05, 2006
I got in touch with Kyle via email several days ago and he said he was busy with his "real" job and traveling for the next two weeks. He said he would get back to me then. Just hang in there and he will be braiding soon.

Posts: 2 | Location: Leesburg, VA | Registered: March 09, 2007
Kyle is back at it again. I just received my new lanyards the other day. Anyone else have any made?

Posts: 225 | Location: Belmont, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 09, 2004
IHC Member 866
Picture of Michael Valek
I just recieved my watch lanyards ...They are GREAT!!!! Thanks Kyle!!
Posts: 245 | Location: South Central Arizona in the USA | Registered: October 07, 2006
Picture of Clyde Roper
Me, too. Just received two in the mail today and they are beauties. When I get some extra time I will take some pictures. The longer one of the two I ordered is on my carry 992B as I write these lines.

Not only does Kyle do great work, but when he says he will get back to you when he can due to work backlog, HE DOES.

I emailed Kyle months ago, probably in February or so, IIRC, and he told me he would get in touch when he was caught up and ready to take new watch lanyard orders.

I forgot about it after a couple of months, then recently he emailed me and asked if I still wanted the watch lanyards. You bet I did!

Long story short, you may have to wait a while due to his schedule, but it is worth it and Kyle is one of the good guys to deal with.
Posts: 203 | Location: North Carolina in the USA | Registered: December 05, 2006
Just received my two lanyards yesterday. One is dark brown and one light brown a wine color. These are beautiful with great workmanship. I currently have one on my Waltham 845.
Thanks Kyle!!

Posts: 2 | Location: Leesburg, VA | Registered: March 09, 2007
Picture of Clyde Roper
This picture is not the best, but just had to post one of the new lanyard on the 992B. The other, shorter one is going on my older 992.

I'll try to take some better photos later, but the older threads already had some good examples of Kyle's excellent work. I'm happy with these !

Thanks also to Mark Cross for putting me in touch with Kyle.

Posts: 203 | Location: North Carolina in the USA | Registered: December 05, 2006
Sent an the gmail address about 10 days ago, no response yet.
Posts: 1 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: May 23, 2013
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
Last time I spoke to Kyle (about 2 months ago) he was up to his eyeballs in illustration assignments, as he's a professional illustrator/cartoonist. He does the fobs as a sideline if and when he has time. He told me he just didn't have the time he used to have to make the fobs, but when there's an opening in his schedule he tries to make a few.

Keep dropping him a line. You may hit him at an open time in his calendar.

Regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
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