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Kangaroo leather plaited watch fobs [Update 04/2015: No longer available] "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted January 05, 2004 13:19
If you're looking for a hand plaited leather watch fob, contact Mr. Kyle Should at kyleshold@gmail.com. He's a professional graphic illustrator by trade, but also works in hand plaiting bull whips for those in the target whip hobby. As an aside, he hand plaits replica bullwhip styled leather watch fobs to attach to your watch and belt loop from left over 'roo leather that are beautiful pieces of workmanship, and all hand made by a expert whip maker. If interested, drop him an email, and I'm sure he can send photos of his work. I have a couple in my collection, and they look and perform perfectly. Regards. Mark

***** Member 157508
*****-IHC Member 163
Picture of Stu Goldstein
posted January 05, 2004 15:05
Sounds good -- just emailed an inquiry -- thanks Mark!

Picture of Sam Williamson
posted January 09, 2004 21:31
Mark,what is the price range?

Sam Williamson
NAWCC 154312
IHC Charter Member 14
Member Chapters 96 and 185
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted January 12, 2004 17:16
$10 for 4 plait
$15 for 6 plait

$2 shipping per fob

Regards. Mark

NAWCC Member 157508
NAWCC-IHC Member 163
posted January 14, 2004 20:13
I like it.

Just received the hand plaited leather watch fob that I ordered from Mr. Kyle Shold.

It is well made and nice looking!

I am going to use it daily and will report how well it holds up. I suspect that this should last a great while. Cool Cool

Phil Dellinger
NAWCC# 157070
IHC Life Member (L12)
Proud IHC Member# 140 Wink

IHC Member 274
Life Member 27
Picture of Jack Goldstein
posted January 30, 2004 01:07
Phil, is yours the 4 or 6 plait? Now that you've had it a while how do you like it?

Jack Goldstein
NAWCC 0152932
IHC 185 #274
posted January 30, 2004 10:34

I am pleased with this product.

The one I purchased from Mr. Kyle Shold is the 6 plait variety. I have been wearing this item daily since Jan.14th 2004 and it is working exactly as advertised so far.

It is very well made product that should last for a long time. I think the price is extremely reasonable for the quality, plus the fact that it is hand-made!

I'll put it on my calendar to place an update to this topic in 6 months from now.

Here is a copy of the original email that I received from Mr. Kyle Shold explaining his hand-made kangaroo leather lanyard.


Thank you for your inquiry. I make two kinds of watch lanyards. One is a
basic four plait (strand) braid that has a wide one piece loop at one end
and a narrow loop at the other. The other is a six plait braid with the
wide loop braided. Either of them are just as functional, however, the six
plait lanyard is more classy looking with the finer braid. The leather I
use is kangaroo which is extremely strong. You will not have to worry about
it breaking.

The braided portion is ten inches with each loop being about three to four
inches. I wear my lanyard with jeans and this length works great for
attaching to the belt loop and going into the watch pocket.

Four plait lanyard: $10

Six plait lanyard: $15

Add $2.00 shipping for each lanyard ordered.

Let me know which style you would like and how many and I will add you to
the list.


Kyle Shold

Phil Dellinger
NAWCC# 157070
IHC Life Member (L12)
Proud IHC Member# 140 Wink
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted April 27, 2004 14:59
I've just ordered a 4 plait version from Kyle, but have requested that he make the plaited length to be 6 inches, with an over all length of 12 inches (including the two 3 inch loops). This will address the requirements of those of us who wear our watches in watchpockets, and not require the extra length of his current fobs. I find the 10 inch length just a tad long for me. They work perfectly if you want to carry your watch down in your regular trouser pocket, but are a tad log for me if wearing my watch in a watchpocket. I also asked for the solid loop rather than the braided this time. Regards. Mark
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall
posted April 30, 2004 19:34

Could you please a picture of yours when you get it?
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted May 03, 2004 16:41
I'll sure try. Getting me and a digital camera in the same location has been a trial for quite a while. Guess that's what I get for loaning it to a daughter. WinkRegards. Mark
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall
posted May 05, 2004 19:20
This is Mark's new 4 plait fob made by Kyle. Kyle has it attached to his watch for size comparison.

Very nice indeed!

Four plait watch fob by Kyle
posted May 08, 2004 21:08
Jim and others interested in the kangaroo leather lanyards.

I emailed Kyle Shold at this email address;


and here is his reply to me.


Still here my friend. This is the first I have heard of this. Let whom ever
voiced their concern know that I'm still available at this address. Thanks.

- Kyle

Copy and paste this address to send off an email to Kyle to inqure about or order these kangaroo leather lanyards. Cool
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted May 24, 2004 11:13
Kyle emailed me to ask if I would post the following....he will be 'out of pocket' for about a month, as he is moving into a new house. The current orders he has in hand will be completed and mailed, but to please hold off on any new fob orders for the next month until he gets settled into his new 'digs'. He thanks all of his new customers, and looks forward to working with more folks in the very near future. Thank you. Regards. Mark
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted June 01, 2004 10:02
I'm tickled that you're pleased, Jim. Thanks. Once Kyle gives me the green light, I'll post when he's back in operation. Regards. Mark
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted October 18, 2004 16:21
As promised, I just received an email from Kyle, and he's 'back in the saddle' and plaiting again, so if you're interested in obtaining one of these great fobs, you can email him again! Regards. Mark
posted November 11, 2004 23:16
I got three of these fobs from Kyle and they are very good quality and he turned them around quickly. Thanks for letting me know about these and now all I need to do is buy two more pocket watches to go with the two extra ones I bought.

NAWCC 147701
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted December 02, 2004 14:37
You've got the same problem I do Derek.... "let's see, another fob from Kyle. Dang....I need a watch to put it on...where's the classified section...." (grins) Regards. Mark
Picture of Tom Seymour
posted January 14, 2005 15:33
I just got my second batch of fobs from Kyle. I followed Mark's lead and got the shorter ones. I asked if had any in black, but he did not. He did, however, say that he could work up something in a rich brown. I like it a lot!

Lousey watch pictures, but you can see the important part, the fobs.


IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted February 09, 2005 09:47
I'm pleased that YOU'RE pleased Tom. A little tip for those who don't know....kangaroo hide has pigment in the surface that, like human skin, darkens when exposed over time to sunlight. So, the 'natural' 'roo fob will slowly darken to a nice mahagony color as time goes by. It's one of the only leathers that does this. Regards. Mark
Picture of Matthew E. Sutton
posted August 19, 2005 18:14
I just received my three fobs today; (1) four strand, and (2) six strand. I like them alot, very high quality and a super price. I like the look of the traditional plain loop on each end, and concur that a six inch version is the best configuration.
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
posted March 01, 2007 15:07
Kyle's new email address is:


He told me he's had nothing but trouble with earthlink, hense the address change.

Regards! Mark
Picture of Clyde Roper
posted March 01, 2007 17:25
Thanks, Mark. Smile
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