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Fred McIntyre, South McAlester, Indian Territory 940 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1338
Fred McIntyre, South McAlester, Indian Territory 940

Neat watch with a lot of history, this one needs the dial repaired (if possible) Does anyone know anything about these? Is it worth fixing the dial? Rest of watch is nice what do you think?

Tom Dunn...

Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
IHC Member 1338

Tom Dunn...

Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
IHC Member 1555
A very nice piece Tom, that dial will be a little difficult to fix, I know that someone in Europe was doing dial repair by re-firing, not a bad job on some on others poor. I had a link but can not lay my hands on it,. maybe on another hard driveFrown

I know Lindell had a little piece somewhere on the forum board on repairing dials, the one he showed looked very nice and it was reversible. He did it himself, a very nice job at that as wellSmile

A little on the watch, it was originally sold to "Eisenstadt MFG Co"13/03/1900 and shipped out to them just over 2 months later. A lot of these Eisenstadt purchased Hamilton's seem to turn up with Fred McIntyre's name attached, I wonder if Fred was buying solely through them?

In my opinion the dial is well worth fixing, a really nice piece of History you have thereSmile
Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
IHC Member 1357
Fix the dial. It has been with that watch since production. They
definitely belong together. Nice

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
nice looking watch, probably would clean the dial and see if the repair could be improved but cleaning might whiten the existing repair and be more than good enough but I agree with the others even with the repair it should stay with the movement.
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
IHC Member 1338
Any ideas/guesses as to the value of it?
Oh dial will stay with watch repaired or otherwise

Tom Dunn...
Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
IHC Member 1357
Tom, two of these watches sold on the Jones& Horan auction site, I
believe in Dec. 2019. Check them out. Should give you a good idea.
My guess would be $3-400.00

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1338
Thanks, Roger!

Tom Dunn...
Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
Nice one Tom , I thought J&H sold a couple last sale and have one in this sale .
Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
Fred McIntyre

J&H did have a few and the following comes from their listing:
"A very scarce and notable private label marking, Fred McIntyre was a jeweler in So. McAlester, Indian Territory (later Oklahoma) and a few years later founded the McIntyre Watch Company.
Selections from the collection of Tom McIntyre. Mr. McIntyre's website contains stories on many of the watches which can be found here: https://awco.org?collid=305"
Posts: 23 | Location: Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2016
From Tom's site, he has a presentation on Fred McIntyre
Posts: 23 | Location: Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2016
IHC Member 1357
Thanks for posting that. Very interesting

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
Nice watch Tom. I know the dial would take a lot of work but there are people who can make it look a lot better. I am not sure those are the correct hands either. All the examples of these watches that I have seen none had these hands. Most all the hands I have seen like these have been on the 24 hour dials (mainly from Canada). I could be wrong so you might want to look into that. Neat watch.

Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
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