I have just got 3 Waltham Vanguards, two of which are pictured below, Both are S16 23 jewels 5 position, both have diamond end stones sets, GJS plates same layout etc, but the regulator arrangment are totally different set up, one is 15 million the other 19 million ser Nos are both model 1908s?
I think you have one of each.Notice the different diameters of the crown wheels and the ratchet wheels.These parts will not interchange between the two models. J Smith
Posts: 188 | Location: Warrenton, North Carolina U.S.A. | Registered: January 12, 2003
There are a couple of other differences. There are different clicks as well as different micrometer regulators. The Model 1899 uses the star wheel regulator while the Model 1908 uses the Figure 8 (I think it is called an Ohlson) regulator. However, the different regulators are NOT a way of telling the Models 1899 and 1908 apart. Diamond end stones were found on the Model 1899 and the earlier Model 1908 Vanguards. Later, Waltham dropped them and went to sapphire or ruby caps. You can tell the sapphire caps (which are water white in color) from the diamond caps by the upper surface of the jewel. The diamond caps were faceted, while the sapphire ones are domed.
Ed Ueberall IHC Member 34 The Escapement
Posts: 620 | Location: Pooler, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 23, 2002
Thanks Gents, That’s exactly what I was looking for, I was thrown by the photograph in Shugart showing a model 1899 identifying it as a 1908, I couldn’t figure out what was going on, I suppose I should invest in a few more books!.