A Illinois 18 size Cheasapeake & Ohio r.r., have always wanted one because my great grandfather worked on that line, but as they are hard to find and a little expensive,it will have to be my Holy Grail, Happy New Year, Jeffery
All, I have decided to try and collect a private label watch from each state. I know this will not be easy and that it will be an ongoing quest. So far I have collected about 10 private label watches from different states.
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
Hi Tony, I too like any private label watches. Did you find ony from Colorado or California yet?. I seem to see more PL watches from the East coast or midwest than the West coast. Ray
Posts: 1499 | Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California USA | Registered: December 20, 2006
My wish list: any 950 variant, in a mainliner case. 18s veritas or father time from 1907-ish. maybe that sounds too wishy....just one of them would be FINE! Happy new year to my (hopefully) new friends! Regards,
Glenn Howell
Posts: 41 | Location: Raleigh, North Carolina USA | Registered: November 17, 2007