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Bunn Special Case Model 181 Question "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a YGF BS case model #181, case #680415 that needs a movement. What would be the correct range of serial numbers for movements (21 or 23 jewels) to put in it? Thanks, Jack Williams
Posts: 16 | Location: Antioch, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: January 08, 2017
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hello Jack,

I always considered the Illinois 181 and its companion piece, the near-identical Hamilton Model 6 were both produced by Fahys, one of the highest quality case makers, to be among their better-looking offerings. Introduced in 1929 neither were particularly popular, as sales declined sharply due to the advent of a "Great Depression" that would put the damper on sales and the economy for most of the following decade.

As to movements, advertising for the Illinois 181 often featured it with 21-Jewel movements but that is of little meaning because it was a "buyer's market" and to make a sale retailers ordered whatever the buyer wanted.

For example, the earliest Case 181 in my permanent collection (number 620140) houses a 23-Jewel "Type III-A" number 5068788 from late 1928 production. Due to their relatively high price 23-Jewel movements sold slowly which easily explains a late 1928 movement in what is generally perceived to be a 1929 case. Another 181 in my collection (number 756890) houses a 23-Jewel "Type III-B" numbered 5321056 from 1930 production, that combination is a bit more conventional.

Personally I would feel comfortable placing a movement numbering from around 5060501 to a high of the 5420000 area in your case, give or take. That takes you from late 1928 into 1931 which is just before and during the time frame in which we find the Case 181 shown in factory advertising.

There are no available records that show which movement came in this or that case, all we can go on are observations that look "right" and fall into place along with boxed-sets and contemporary advertising.

Hopefully this gives you a starting point to work with!

By the way, please accept my personal invitation to "JOIN, PAY DUES AND ORDER 2017 COOKSEY SHUGART'S COMPLETE GUIDE TO WATCHES HERE" you'll be glad you did!


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Lindell, thank you so much for the very good information. The case is in excellent condition and I wanted to be sure the movement was time compatible for it and with your info I'll be able to. Thanks again!
Posts: 16 | Location: Antioch, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: January 08, 2017
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