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MILITARY but not A Clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Ged Pitchford
Hello Again, Found in a shed, WW2 (Ithink), Interesting box, ever so well made. See pic's. What to do with it?. Seems a pity to burn or throw away. Ged.

Posts: 909 | Location: Winterton-on-Sea Norfolk, England | Registered: February 17, 2003
Picture of Ged Pitchford
Pic 2, Label inside lid.

Posts: 909 | Location: Winterton-on-Sea Norfolk, England | Registered: February 17, 2003
Picture of Ged Pitchford
Pic'3 Note Felt seal to keep dust out.

Posts: 909 | Location: Winterton-on-Sea Norfolk, England | Registered: February 17, 2003
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


Carrying crate for a Land Mine Detector! Very interesting item. Smile

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Shiver me timbers! At first I thought you had found the long lost treasure chest of Edward Teach (Blackbeard) or maybe Jack Rackham (Calico Jack) Eek Wink

Oh well, even though there are no doubloons or even a dried up dead parrot in it I think it is a pretty interesting relic. I am not sure what to do with it though. I don't suppose there are any museums in your area that have any interest in such things? If the missus doesn't object too much you could take a soft brush to it to clean off the dirt then buy a piece of thick glass with a polished edge to set on top of it to make it into a small end table or such for the part of your house or flat where you keep your timepieces and other collectables.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
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Picture of Greg Crockett
Nice looking box. Dove tailed joints, good quality. Sad to say, I don't have a mine detector for it. If you lived in Michigan, I'd love to drive over and take it off your hands.

Jim's suggestion reminded me that back when my son was in his teens, he used a big wooden military box as a small table in his room.

If for nothing else, it would make a great tool box. These boxes are popular with collectors of militaria, given that it's a nice place to stash your treasures. Much too cool for firewood.

Thanks for the images.

Best regards,
Posts: 2044 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
I have a WW-II US Navy wooden Ammo crate about that size that I use as a coffee table in my family room. Makes for a great conversation piece.

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
Picture of Ged Pitchford
Hello All, Thanks for interest, I agree much too good to burn. I have given it to my schoolteacher neighbour who is going to get a a glass top for it and use it for a coffee table, so its gone to a good home. Regards, Ged.
Posts: 909 | Location: Winterton-on-Sea Norfolk, England | Registered: February 17, 2003
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