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Newly integrated military watch website "Click" to Login or Register 
www.milwatch.com now leads to my website www.jasta11.co.uk I have currently several sections on military watches: wwi timepieces, German naval timepieces and German wwii instrument panel clocks.... Amongst other things there are 15 differrent Junghans panel clocks, Movements are now also diplayed. Enjoy
Posts: 132 | Location: London/London/England | Registered: December 13, 2004
Thanks Oliver!

It always takes me at least two extra large towels to soak up all the drool that I leave on my keyboard everytime I see new photos of your collection. Big Grin You have so many wonderful things.

My one question after my first time through was why you had labelled the French watch 'Albinion 1a'? Isn't it an 'Allion a Versailles' watch? (of course Allion a Versailles did not actually make the movement - they just bought movements and cased them up with their own dials and cases and such)
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
Freudian mistake have been in Albion too long ;o)Thx for the compliment.... BTW Have now 41 Mark IVs and Vs ;o)could equip half the RFC.... am now on the search for a watch maker who can restore enamel properly without charging a fortune and of course to repair about 20 of them.....
Posts: 132 | Location: London/London/England | Registered: December 13, 2004
Picture of Mary Ann Scott
Oliver - I found a gentleman in Australia who repaired a pocket watch dial for my early E. Howard. He did an excellent job in my opinion. Here is his web page link...

Heywood Enamels

And here is the link to my post showing the before and after pictures...

He doesn't do watch repair. Our own Chris Abell may be able to help you in that regard.

Beautiful timepieces, by the way!
Before and after pics
Posts: 1047 | Location: The Colony, Texas in the USA | Registered: December 20, 2008
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