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Ordnance Dept serial numbers "Click" to Login or Register 
I do not know if just the OD serial number can be helpful in getting infos about a PW. I have seen a case with the ser. no. OE11765, is this somehow useful ? I say so because I'm more accustomed to GS/TP, where, as far as I know, no information can be obtained from serials
Thanks a lot
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown

I do not believe information can be obtain about a watch by that number. Some of the prefix letters used were OA- OB- OC- OD- OE- & there were probably more, I have seen alot of Hamilton 4992B's with the OE.

One other problem from what I understand is s lot of times when these watches were in service with the military while they were being cleaned cases did not always go back with the same movement.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Thanks, Tom. Meanwhile I couldn't resist, and I have bought something that looks like a mythological chimera, a thing with a serial number C98955, that leads to a 992B, with a decent Montgomery dial, a base metal case with an "Ordnance Department" inscription and that OE serial number. Since they say that there's a "US Gov." inscription too on the movement I do think (hope) that I have bought a military 992B with a civilian dial, at least.
What do you think ?

Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
Here the dial

Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
and here the case ...

Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown

The serial number would put it right for a Hamilton Military 992B, it would be in the 1944-45 range.

The dial might be orginal too, I am sure someone that knows more than me will join in, but Hamilton did make US Govt. models with the whit dial, I just don't know about the Canadian 24 hour numbers.

Here is a scan from the US Army training manual of the watch.


Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Thanks a lot, Tom. So, may be, I've got not a chimera but a true GI, quite better than I was hoping (the seller, moreover, says that the watch is working in the right way). If so, not a bad bargain, the price has been about the minimum for a 992B according to the Guide.
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown
Yes, I think you might have gotten the real deal, we will see what the others think.

Here is a photo of mine.


Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
I am not sure but there are some things that make me ask myself whether this watch is exactly as it should be. In looking at the dial on your watch I notice three features that are not the same as the dial shown in the U.S. Army manual on these, nor is it like the other ones of these I have seen including the photos of the one that Tom has kindly shared. Note that on yours the minutes are not marked with individual numbers from 1 to 60. Second, note that yours has red 13 to 24 hour markings where the others do not. And third, note that yours has an 18 at the top of the second hand orbit while the others do not. My first impression is that yours may have a replacement dial that is similar to but not the same as the one originally used on these. Also the markings on the back of the case of your watch raise questions in my mind - they seem to be quite different than the markings shown in the official manual as well as different from actual examples I have seen including Tom's. Again, my first thought is that it is possible that the case on yours may be a replacement case - perhaps from another watch of the era. Finally, I can not see the bow in the photos of your watch - is it the same trapezoid shape as the one in the manual? I may be mistaken, but these differences would make me want to do some more research if I were the owner. Hopefully someone here might be able to add something to this interesting discussion.

Below are what the various U.S. Army Ordnance Deparment codes mean:

OA - 7 to 9 jewel pocket watches
OB - 15 to 17 jewel pocket watches
OC - 7 to 9 jewel wristwatches
OD - 15 to 17 jewel wristwatches
OE - 21 jewel railroad grade pocket watches
OF - 15 to 17 jewel wristwatches with waterproof case
OFA - 15 to 17 jewel wristwatches with waterproof case, Air Corps (Navigation, Type A-11, substitute standard)
OG - 7 to 9 jewel wristwatches (waterproof cases)
OS - stopwatch
OW - 7 to 9 jewel pocket watches made before Nov. 12, 1940 and remarked later
OX - 15 to 17 jewel pocket watches made before Nov. 12, 1940 and remarked later
OY - 7 to 9 jewel wristwatches made before Nov. 12, 1940 and remarked later
OZ - 15 to 17 jewel wristwatches made before Nov. 12, 1940 and remarked later
Posts: 873 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
Thanks, Jim. To be very frank, I do started thinking that this watch was a chimera, a mytical beast made up of ... components of different species. Be sure I'll check it with a big care when I'll receive it. I had to buy it on shameful pictures, but data pointed to a decently priced 992B, and I personally like Hamiltons, so I couldn't refrain ... Now, I deem that basically I have two chances, either I have got a recased high quality movement with a decent dial, or I have stumbled on a very interesting GI ... in both instances, not a bad buy. I hope
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown
Jim & Mario

I wondered about the dial too but I also didn't know if Hamilton supplied these to the Canadian Military like they did the other Hamilton watches.

I think I have seen others with a different arragement of the engraving on the case back.

Also, from the list Jim supplied the OE # that Mario gave would fit for a 21 jewel watch.

I guess we will have to wait & see, let us know what you find out Mario.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Tom, you said "Canadian hours", "Canadian Military" ... could you kindly elaborate a little further, it's very interesting
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown

I am not sure what the offcial name is for the type of dial like yours but from reading the posts over the years on this site apparently the Canadian government required their railroad watches to have the inner chapter ring with the 24 hour dial.

I also found another 992B that looks just like yours on the web, it makes me lean more towards yours being complete.


Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
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Picture of Tom Brown
The dial

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
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Picture of Tom Brown
The movement

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
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Picture of Tom Brown

I found another one on the web that is the same as the ones I just posted, it is serial #C88519, it has the same case markings as yours too, it also has the OE# but it is a differnt number, but I don't think that really means anything now days.

So now that makes 3 total just alike, more & more evidence that it might be orginial, I guess we will have to wait to see your movement.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
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Picture of Tom Brown
One more thing Mario, if you read this post Lindell mentions the possibility that the dials like yours with the red numbers was a military dial where if it had black numbers it would be railroad.


Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Great, Tom ! you are very kind, and a source of important informations, it's a pleasure reading you. I am reading the thread you kindly pointed out, one more mine to dig. Well, if I can sum things up, in ebay still (if you are lucky) it is possible to find interesting things ... yesterday I missed a model 23, today I found this Canadian, not bad.
Again thanks a lot, Tom
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown
Yes Mario, there are still some good buys on ebay, some I have bought I have not been too sure what I was getting but had an idea of what it might be & when I got it I was right. My best one so far was a pocket watch I bought for $3.00 including shipping & I sold it for $723.00.

Glad I have been able to help, hopefully I haven't given any bad info, I am still learning.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Hi all,
I just got this one with a similar dial, but on an Elgin watch. Hopefully this is all original, looks to be with my untrained eye. Any and all comments appreciated.

Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008

Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
case markings

Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
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