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ansonia clock movement "Click" to Login or Register 
There is a number 5 on the rear lower right corner of my Ansonia shelf clock movement. Does anyone know what the number 5 stands for? I have also seen some with other numbers such as 4 1/2 and 5 1/2

John W. Moore
Posts: 29 | Location: Florida in the USA | Registered: June 15, 2015
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Ansonia made over 140 different movements during their manufacturing days.

I believe the number you are referring to usually on the bottom right foot has to do with the length of a correct pendulum that would be used with this particular shelf/mantel clock.

That same number would/could be used if one were replacing the entire movement, then the same number movement would fit your pendulum with enough clearance and the mounting holes might even be the same.

[I'm not the best "go-to" clock guy on this forum, and I forgot more than I retained, hopefully this will be of help to you.]

Let's see what others bring to the table Wink

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 1725

Buster is right on. The number you are describing on your movement is for the correct length of the pendulum for your particular clock.

Best Regards,
Posts: 376 | Location: Conover, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: July 07, 2012
Life Member
And remember - that is the distance from the pivot point on the suspension spring to the center of mass (centroid) of the pendulum.

So if you are replacing the suspension, leave it a little too long, hang the movement on a test stand, and adjust the bob up to the proper length.

Don't just whack of a piece of pendulum wire at five inches and assume you have it right.

(An easy way to get real close is by using circular magnets in place of the bob. stack a few together until you have something that is about the same weight as the bob. Then clamp the end of the rod between them. They are easy to adjust, and will get you close enough that you should be able to make any necessary adjustment by raising or lowering the chops. (While magnetism is a big "no-no" with balance movements, it really has little effect on most pendulum movements, except the most accurate of regulators.)

Here is a photo of a Seth Thomas #41 movement I was messing about with, trying to create a long pendulum, to make the clock run at half speed. They are a little out of focus, but you can see the stack of magnets on the bottom rod, near the floor. (Incidentally, those pendulum rods are old bicycle spokes. I heated the ends with a propane torch, and bent each one around a piece of 1/4" round stock to create links.)

Posts: 213 | Location: Westminster, Maryland in the USA | Registered: March 02, 2015
Many thanks to each of you for the information you provided.

John W. Moore
Posts: 29 | Location: Florida in the USA | Registered: June 15, 2015
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