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Regulator Twins "Click" to Login or Register 
Bored this evening and thought I would share a couple pics of my somewhat Twin Regulators.


Posts: 311 | Location: Near Youngstown, Ohio USA | Registered: January 11, 2006

Posts: 311 | Location: Near Youngstown, Ohio USA | Registered: January 11, 2006
Picture of Gary Morgret
Hi Adam
I'll match ya and see if we can get a few more #2's posted here. With all these railroad watch collectors out there they might enjoy looking at the most used clock in railroad stations.
First Clock is Mahogany with the original finish and painted dial. This has an unuasual label that I was told was used only on contract clocks for the philadelphia school system.


Second clock is oak and has the original finish and painted dial. Date stamped on the back in reverse.
Posts: 141 | Location: Northwest Ohio in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2003
Picture of Ged Pitchford
Hello Again, Nice Clocks, I like accurate Time only Regulators. I wish I could afford to buy an English Floor standing Regulator. Could one of you owners of these fine clocks ,show the movement of one. Regards, Ged.
Posts: 909 | Location: Winterton-on-Sea Norfolk, England | Registered: February 17, 2003
Beautiful clocks Guys! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Posts: 172 | Location: Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: July 06, 2004
Picture of Gary Morgret
Hi Ged
I understand you wanting to see the movement. But at this time both of these clocks have been hanging in the same spot for over 5 years and I usually only have to make small adjustments in the spring and fall as the seasons change. Once I have them "dialed in" I hate to move them. But when I get a chance I will do some pics of the movement.


Posts: 141 | Location: Northwest Ohio in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2003
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