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Night watchman's clock "Click" to Login or Register 
I've had this night watchman's clock for a number of years. It seems to keep great time. Can anyone tell me about it?

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
Picture of Gary E. Foster
Hello Steve, I cannot provide any details about your clock, but I am somewhat familiar with their use. I was formerly employed in a large glass plant. There were stations at various locations that the watchmen were required to visit on their rounds. Each station had a key that had to be inserted into the clock to record that the watchman had indeed made his rounds. These clocks must be well made, as I witnessed one watchman throw one down a flight of steps in an attempt to break it, so he wouldn't have to make his patrol. Like a Timex," it took a licking and kept on ticking "
Posts: 1012 | Location: Western Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 17, 2007
Wow, that is a great story. This thing also has a small spool of paper in it that was supposed to record the time that the watchman clocked into each station. Thanks for your help.
Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008

Watchclock collecting can be a lot of fun! You can see some at my old defunct website at

From there there is a link to Watchclock Notebook which is the Detex site.

happy hunting
Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
Thanks a lot! I will look through this.

Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
The bulletin had several articles on these clock a few years back. That may help you. I have a " Dexter Newman and a Latham , They have excellent movements.
Did you remove the guard to photograph your clock?
Posts: 19 | Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Registered: July 16, 2004
No, I'll do that as soon as my daughter returns my camera that she borrowed last week.
Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
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