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Montauk Watches "Click" to Login or Register 
posted April 29, 2009 15:49
Hi guys! I am new onboard. Thanks to all who make this website friendly! My question is this. I have a watch named Montauk. It also states this on the inside where it also states 15 jewels. The shape is octagonal(8-sides) and it has an engraving in very small letters: 1841. Can anyone tell me more about these watches? Any help is appreciated.
Posts: 13 | Location: Eagle Pass, Texas in the USA | Registered: April 29, 2009
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
posted April 29, 2009 21:53
Welcome, Anibal, we are glad to have you with us....

There are many individuals in our organization that are willing to help you with your questions, now and future....

It always helps us if you could post some photos of the watch in question because as it has been said before, a picture is worth a 1000 words....That is certainly true here as well....

Someone may be able to help based on the info you have given but if you can, please post photos so that we have more information to help you with....

Again, Welcome to IHC185 where the horological meetings never stop....

Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
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Site Moderator

Picture of Tom Brown
posted April 29, 2009 22:04
I would also like to welcome you Anibal.

We all love to see photos of watches & I am looking forward to seeing yours.

The name Montauk I only know as a watch case, so I look forward to seeing your watch.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
posted April 30, 2009 21:27
Here is the picture

Posts: 13 | Location: Eagle Pass, Texas in the USA | Registered: April 29, 2009
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
posted April 30, 2009 22:25
Hello Anibal, thanks for the picture....It is nice of you to post it for us....It is a nice looking watch....

Do you have any idea of the age of the watch...?
How long have you owned it...?

I have been looking at various reference books but have been unable to find anything except for one entry in the Waltham section of the book I was checking in....It would be helpful if we could see the movement from the back of the watch....Sometimes looking at the shape of the parts of the watch can lead to the identity of the maker....not always, but sometimes....

Don't give up, someone will get to the bottom of this before it's over....

Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
posted April 30, 2009 23:13
Hi to all! Thank you for the time for the research. This watch intrigues me as well. There is a carving in very small print stating: 1841. All I nkow is that this watch is VERY old. It is a rare one as well. The previous owner said he obrained it years ago. This thing is OLD.

Would it help if I took pictures of the back and inside?
Posts: 13 | Location: Eagle Pass, Texas in the USA | Registered: April 29, 2009
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