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How to open this wristwatch? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
I could use some help on what I need to buy, to open my wristweatches. Most of mine have those indentions in, and around the case, that you use to open it.

Another question is, a watch I just picked up, makes a sound like it's real loose inside, so what should I know, or do, before I try to open it?

This one is called a Tourneau, and you can see the back I was talking about.


Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Gene Furry
Hi Sheila,

You need a couple of things to open cases similar to your Tourneau... a case holder and a case wrench.

Check out this page for holders: http://www.julesborel.com/horological/page131.htm

I have many more expensive ones, but the second one listed on this page is actually pretty good for the six bucks. This case holder can be held in a small bench vice.


I have to recommend the second one on this page as it's of much better construction than the $13.95 one. The cheaper one is OK, I guess, if you mainly intend to open lesser expensive watches. You will sometimes find the $44.95 model on eBay for much less, in used condition. Sometimes it may be labeled "Vigor" rather than "LG", but it's the same wrench. Just make a mental note of all the attachments you see in the pics, and be certain that a used one is equipped with everything before buying it.

Always try to open a watch over something that will catch anything that falls out. This is especially important when you hear something loose inside. There is a "catch tray" on most watchmakers benches that addresses this issue. Just go slowly, adjust the wrench for a proper fit, and try not to let it slip, or you'll end up with a scratched case back.

BTW, I have no affiliation with Jules Borel other than purchasing from them as a customer.

Posts: 54 | Location: Southeastern Texas in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
Thanks to Gene, I got it now!

Hi Gene,
Thank you so much for the links. I have the wooden watch holders, but I'm going to pick up this one too. I can't figure out how the watch will go into the ones I have, besides, I use it for pocket watch movements anyway. I like the idea of having them for both styles anyway.
I had looked at the wrenches, but had no idea which one to get, and this one is just like the ones I found on ebay and decided to get. This one looks nicer though.

Thanks again guys!

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
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