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ANOTHER WIRE LUG WRIST WATCH "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 155
Bulova Watchmaker

Picture of Rich Kuhn
posted August 27, 2004 16:01
This is an early Swiss wire lug. The watch started out to be a wristwatch from its inception. A lot of us tend to look down our noses at these watches but I have to tell you this 7-jewel inexpensive watch keeps great time and is not hard to look at. My wife has a 6-jewel watch that she has been wearing for years. It also is a wonderful timekeeper and has one of the most attractive metal dials I have ever seen.
The reason I put this up is so people can see that for a buck and a little work you can have a very interesting looking solid timekeeper.

Posts: 896 | Location: New Jersey in the USA | Registered: December 16, 2002
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
posted August 27, 2004 19:32
Very nice Rich! Now where can I purchase one for a buck? Big Grin

Stephanie O'Neil

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall
posted August 27, 2004 20:22
Rich - Neat watch!

Stephanie - We didn't know you had a pet deer too! Big Grin Big Grin
Posts: 1123 | Location: Arizona U.S.A. | Registered: January 21, 2003
IHC Member 155
Bulova Watchmaker

Picture of Rich Kuhn
posted August 27, 2004 21:25
I got mine at a local watch mart in someones junk box for a buck. Now I did have to clean it, put a crystal and a band, so out of pocket lets say 10 bucks. Ok I did put a new mainspring in it as well. So a little more. Hey it is still a cool looking watch that you don't see everyday. And it is a gen-u-wine ant-ti-que. Big Grin
And John don't get fresh Eek

Rich Kuhn
IHC Member 155

Posts: 896 | Location: New Jersey in the USA | Registered: December 16, 2002
Picture of Ralph Rehner
posted August 27, 2004 21:50
I had the pleasure of seeing this watch in person when Rich had just finished it...Sweet! I personally can vouch for the comment made that these sweethearts can be had for small change and wind up being personal treasures. Since my love is tiny wire lug ladies decos, here's a pic of a cutie that has laid on my work bench for 2 years and brushed aside. A simple 6 jewel that turned out looking great and runs sweet. I was so thrilled with the outcome that I tore it down and added the 7th jewel. Like you Rich....the thing is barely finished when the wife comes by and decides to shop. Snatched up and put in her jewelry box. All I'm left with is a picture. Total cash outlay...$3.00

Ralph Rehner, "The Clock Pup" and Longines Watch Guy

Posts: 89 | Location: Brunswick, Ohio USA | Registered: January 17, 2003
Picture of Tom Seymour
posted August 27, 2004 21:58
Great looking watch, Ralph!

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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