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17J Bunn "Click" to Login or Register 
I just purchased this recently and wanted to know if I have researched the information right.
It is an 18s Bunn 17j, L/S, Mdl 6, Ser# 1342684, ca: 1898, I believe it is the 1st pattern, run of 200 watches, and approximatey 2000 made ? How right or wrong am I,




obviously the camera picks out things that are not really noticed by my eyes, the dial is not nearly as bad as the picture makes it appear, but as yet I have not cleaned the dial, and I believe most of that will wash out.
Thanks for any comments on this watch,
IHC Life Member
Picture of Eugene Buffard
It looks like a mighty fine watch.
IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
Bill, looks correct to me but where did you get the production numbers ?

Here is my Bunn 17J LS Mdl6 1504325, made 1900, second pattern two-tone.

IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
And the movement.



That dial is sweet...
IHC Vice President
Pitfalls Moderator
IHC Life Member
Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.

Bill's production numbers are correct and can be found at the bottom of the left column on page 83 of the "Blue Illinois Bible" aka Meggers & Ehrhardt, Illinois Watch Co. Encyclopedia and Price Guide, American Pocket Watches Volume 2, 1985.

I'll second what Jon said about your dial, nice movement too!

I'm also moving this topic to the Illinois forum, which is where it belongs, and I created a shortcut to it where it was originally posted in Pocket Watch Discussions.

Best Regards,

IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
Thanks for the compliments, sorry to horn in like this Bill.
I have doubt as to the correctness of my dial and think it is a later model or it would have the same signature style as the one on Bills watch.

I guess I wil have to pick up a "Blue Bible".
IHC Vice President
Pitfalls Moderator
IHC Life Member
Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
Not to worry Lorne, it is a later style than Bill's dial, but it's still OK for a Second Pattern watch. The next entry on page 83 of "The Blue Illinois Bible" says Second Pattern 17-jewel Bunn dials should be signed "Illinois Watch Co." in either Old English like Bill's or in script like yours. Smile

Your watch is significant because it was one of the first 17-jewel Bunn's marked "Ruby Jewels" which began with movement number 1504201 and also not to be marked "Safety Pinion" which was dropped after movement number 149300. Total production of 17-jewel 2nd Pattern Bunn's was 4800 open face and 1850 hunter movements. All this according to "The Illinois Bible."

The Meggers & Ehrhardt Illinois Encyclopedia ("American Pocket Watches, Volume 2") is just an amazing and comprehensive source of detailed information, which every Illinois collector should have.

I've got e a mint example from the 1985 first printing, which is nice to have because of the better-quality images. However, for daily use I rely on a much more recent spiral-bound reprint, which is routinely for sale on eBay from the current copyright owner at reasonable prices. This version is easier to flip thru, with no worries about damaging my valuable example from the first printing.

Best Regards,

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