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Illinois movement # 4010068 identification help "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Richard Romero
Recently I picked up a Stewart Special and the Illinois Blue Book by Meggers and Ehrhardt is listing it as a model 7 pendant set. The watch is set by the lever so does that mean it's a model 9? Anyone have any idea as to approximately how many of this variant were produced?

There was a similar post except the watch in question was a hunter and mine is an open face.
An Uncommon Illinois 16-Size Model 6

Any information appreciated,

IHC Life Member
Richard, I own six 19j Illinois Stewart Specials. Three of them are grade 606, and three are grade 806. All of my Grade 806 Stewart's are lever set.
IHC Member 1101
Site Moderator
Picture of Steve Middlesworth

Yours is also a Grade 806. It came out of a run of 100 in 1922 and there were only 2,050 of them made.

Picture of Richard Romero
Bruce and Steve,

Thank you for the information. After further looking in the Illinois Blue Book on page 64 it has a flow chart to determine model number. According to the chart since the watch is lever set it's a model 9. Bruce's 806 models are all lever set so it makes me wonder if there were actually any pendant set 19J grade 806 model 6 or 7? Rich Kuhn's post was about a hunting movement model 806 and brought up the same question. His watch is referred to (in the Blue Book) as a model 6 but it's actually a model 8.

It's amazing these relatively low production 19J grade 806 watches aren't higher priced in the Guide. They're great looking movements with a unique 3 finger curved bridge, fish scale pattern, and gilded screws and trim.

The Stewart Special is listed as a private label so does it need to be signed Stewart or Stewart Special on the dial to be correct?


Here's the dial on movement number 4010068

Picture of Roland Glenn
I've got a similar movement, but without Stewart Special on the movement and it is pendent set.
Is it a grade 169? Serial is 3373205.

Not trying to high jack this thread I just love these flashy 16s Illinois.


Picture of Richard Romero
The serial number you posted is showing up as a grade 306 from 1918. Your picture isn't showing on my computer for some reason.
IHC Life Member
Richard, more than half of the Stewart Specials that I buy just say Illinois on the dial.
Picture of Richard Romero
Thank you Bruce,
I'm glad it will not be necessary to search for a dial. I purchased this watch for the case (1940's Hamilton) but after learning more and seeing how good it runs it's a keeper. It's now in a period correct B&B Royal case.
IHC Life Member
Richard, during the first auction of this watch, I was the high bidder, but the guy had an unrealistic reserve on it. For the second auction, he started the auction one dollar higher than my high bid from the previous auction. It ticked me off so much the way he was trying to squeeze every last nickel out of this, I didn't even bid during the second auction. Glad the watch got a good home. Enjoy! Wink
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