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Prince Rupert Dial and Movement (3 images) "Click" to Login or Register 
I am new to the IHC185, and glad to be here. One parent from Edmonton, Alb., and one from Quebec/Ontario, I find myself retired in Tennessee, and soaking up this excellent forum. To see if I could follow directions and post pictures here, I chose this Elgin, grade 349, from a jeweler in Prince Rupert, BC. This seems to be the furthest west of any dial posted here yet. It should be hard to find any further west than Prince Rupert in Canada. The watch and dial are in excellent condition, the watch keeping most excellent time.

Larry, I think you should consider having your own private label dial made to be the first in Canada's latest Province of Nunnavut. Since there are no railroads, yet, in Nunnavut, you might be able to peddle them to the ice road truckers! But to be the first to have a private label in a Province - priceless. Smile

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
Prince Rupert Dial Closer

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
Prince Rupert Movement

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
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Picture of Tom Brown
Hi Mike

Welcome to the club, we are glad to have you with us!

I look forward to seeing more of your watches & the one you posted looks great.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Thank you very much Tom. I was just noticing that Larry Buchan has already posted pictures of an identical watch as mine with the "CB Wark, Prince Rupert, BC" dial on an Elgin 349 two years ago. The power of this website, and the dedication of its founders to excellence and human kindness is not often seen today. And the magnitude of Larry Buchan's knowledge and generosity is nothing short of a national treasure. I don't think I am overstating the case.
To practice posting pics, I am just posting a picture of the Fortune case Logo that goes with this Prince Rupert watch.

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth

Glad to have you joining us, very nice looking watch to I might add. Look forward to seeing more of your post in the future. You will find hours and hours of education and entertainment on this site.

Posts: 1980 | Location: Kentucky in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
Hey, if we want to go further west, can anyone find a dial from the Queen Charlotte Islands?
Posts: 767 | Location: Los Osos, California USA | Registered: December 12, 2002
Railway Historian
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Hello Mike:

Thank you for your kind remarks about my Canadian private labels. Your Elgin No. 349 CB Wark Prince Rupert B.C. looks excellent. I see from the Elgin watch site that mine was made a year earlier in 1906 from a run of 1000 starting at 13041001, and that yours was from a run of 1000 starting at 13112001. I have attached a postcard view of Prince Rupert and its harbor, with a view of the passenger train arriving. I wonder if any of the train crew members are carrying our watches.



Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
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