Here are my Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen membership Pins mounted around a Hamilton 940 which is case engraved for the Brotherhood. Pins are up to 65 yrs. Inside group are all the same except for yr. Outside are all of a different design.
Posts: 232 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: April 26, 2010
Mike that is a super nice collection ! I have a few , but they are kinda scarce . Clark that is a nice fob , I let a similar one get away last week . There is a lot of competition on them.
Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
Michael here are my B of RT years of membership pins that I've been collecting for over 40 years now.
In my years of membership with the Green "T" I have two ten-year one with the "10" with a green background, and one with a gilt background. In my fifteen-year I have three one with the "15" with a white background, one with a gray background, and one in gilt. My 20 year one has a red background, followed by a 25 in blue, a 30 year in white, a 35 year in red, a 40 year in green, a 45 year in maroon, and a 50 year in black.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
We now start with the different styles a round 10 year with yellow numerals with B of RT over-the-top, and Membership on the bottom. My 15 year has a white background with gray behind the lettering. Next I have a twenty-year pin with 20 years in gold and a white background, and B of RT Membership with a red background. This is followed by a 25 year pin similar to the 20 year with a white background and the years and lettering in gold and a blue background.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
The next group starts with a 20 year it has and gold lettering on a shield with a red background, and years abbreviated to "YRS, then one in a shield with a blue background and gold lettering, a wreath on the sides and a torch on top. The next 30 year membership pins is a lot like the twenty-year pin but a different shape of shield, it has years abbreviated. This is followed by a 35 year membership that is circular with gold lettered 35 with a green background with membership on the bottom also in green, there is a wreath up the sides with B of RT in gold background on the top. The 40 year pin is a lot like the 35 year one the wreath starts from the bottom with B of RT in black with a gold background on top, in the center of a black shield with 40, and a blue background circle with years of membership. One forty-five year with membership on top with a gold background 45 on a blue background shield with years underneath with a gold background, and B of RT on a banner in gold letters with blue background and leafs up the sides. One fifty year with the 50 in a round black background in a circle, and a gold background with membership on top, leafs up the sides and a banner on the bottom with B of RT in black lettering and "YRS" in gold in the middle. Finally my fifty-five membership pin with 55 "YRS" in gold lettering on a blue shield it has a torch on top and B of RT banner on each side of the 55, and membership on the bottom in gold letters.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
The final group of four all circular the first one with a braided rope around the outer edge followed by three with wreaths, they are all lettered with the year and YEARS MEMBERSHIP B of RT the 20 year has a red background, the 25 year has a white background, the 30 year has a pale blue background, and the 35 year a green background. I am sure there will be more of these,
Michael you have a great group of B of RT pins, I see the one above the bow of the Hamilton 940, it looks to be marked "Past President I don't have one of those, and I still have to find pins with the Green "T" past 50 years, the 60, 65, and 70 year in the second grouping. I also notice two others you have that I have never seen before the B of RT 30 year pin with the pale blue background on the outer ring at the bottom below the 6 o'clock on the dial, and the 25 year pin with the blue background to the right.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
Membership pins on the top row the first three are Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen membership pins that the organized nation was called from 1883 to 1889 the first one has a brake wheel with a green background and Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen around the circumference, there is a gold banner underneath with the letters B S I that were the organization's watchwords Benevolence, Sobriety, and Industry. Next is a gold pin of a brake wheel with the letters B of RR B. The last is multicolored with B in white, R in red, and B in blue, with a small gold brake wheel in the middle. Next is a B of RT with the B in red, R and green, and a large T in white, with the brake wheel on the bottom.
The middle row has a B of RR T that is similar to the second B of RR B. Next is a scarce gold pin with a Bee with R T on its wings. This is followed by a more modern red beehive with a bee and with STINGERS on the bottom, trainmen were called stingers, and they had a newspaper with that title. Last is my small lapel pin with B of RT with a lantern and flags.
The last row has different styles of small lapel pins.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
More of my Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen membership pins first is an older one with a gold banner on top that could be engraved, the letters B R R T intertwined, and a lantern with green and red flags. The next one is round with B of RT in white letters, and the year 1928. This is followed by a large membership pin with the green T
In the middle row the first one has a shield on the bottom with two black bars, this might signify 20 years membership. Another green T membership pin but smaller than the one on the first row, the last one is interesting it has B of RT with the lantern and flags underneath, and has a white belt and buckle around the perimeter. This could be for a member working for Belt Railway of Chicago, or the Indiana Harbor Belt Railway.
The bottom row has another green T membership smaller than the other ones on the first and second row. Finally there are two really small ones, the first has the the green T in the middle and B R T on the red border. The last one has a green T with B R on each side with gold lettering and a black background.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
I admit that I took us a little off track by including the ORT badge / fob. To make up for that I now show a 16s YGF Fahys RR case (with inside back view) having a BRT badge attached from new. Also, a man's gold BRT finger ring.
Posts: 216 | Location: East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Registered: December 31, 2005
Hello John I really like your Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen lapel pin with the tail end of a caboose, that's one I've never seen before. I have quite a few B of RT watch chain fobs that I will post later this week when I get some photos of them.
I will also be posting some of my Order of Railroad Telegraphers watch fobs this coming week, with some interesting history of them. You might want to add your ORT fob to this thread.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
Craig Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen pins are indeed rare, I was lucky enough to buy a collection of Brotherhood pins, photos, and a B of RT chart that came from EV Debs Lodge No. 1 in Oneonta, New York the B of RB in your photo I do have it is posted above.
Here is my collection of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen watch fobs the second from the left top row is backwards, I like the one in the right bottom corner with the Green "T" emblem on the front of the steam locomotive smoke box cover it is 10K gold, I have another one that has the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen logo.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
Reverse side showing the skull and cross bones second from the left, I have seen ones with small gemstones in the eye sockets. The second from the left shows that the trainmen was a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
A B of RB dues receipt from EV Debs Lodge No. 1 dated September 15, 1884 issued to Elmer Wessel one of the eight men that founded the organizers a year previous.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
Craig neat ORC pins the one on the right is for conductors working on a belt railway, like my B of RT one pictured above, I also have a B of LF & E beltline pin. Here is my Order of Railway Conductors watch fob, along with a ORC & B pin from the 1950s. Declining membership led them to include brakeman to their name and allow them to join their organization.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
There was only one 75 year membership pin given out by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, it was given to Elmer Wessell at the organizations 75th Anniversary Celebration held in Oneonta, New York on September 23, 1958.
Elmer Wessell and B of RT Pres. William Parker Kennedy. Elmer looks like he has his 75 year pin on his suit lapel.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
Elmer was born on November 22, 1864, and was one of the eight who met on Delaware and Hudson and Canal Co. Albany and Susquehanna Railroad caboose No. 10 and founded the union Elmer was 19 years old.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
When caboose No. 10 was found and restored in 1924 four of the founding fathers were still alive they included WC Gurney, CG Woodworth, Martin Ryan, and Elmer Wessell, Elmer was 59 at this dedication celebration.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
On the 75th anniversary held in Oneonta the B of RT's President William Parker Kennedy presented Elmer with his 75 year membership and this certificate that I have in my collection.
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002