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English clock with center hands "Click" to Login or Register 
Life Member
Finished cleaning and doing some minor repairs on this clock (new cables, straighten pendulum rod and suspension spring, straighten second hand arbor, straighten arbor third wheel strike side, straighten escapement wheel arbor, remove numerous finger prints, and clean up battered screw slots) and thought people might find it interesting. The false plate is by Walker and Hughes, Birmingham, but the dial is labeled David Gottleib, Hanover. The clock was donated to the Union MIlls (Carroll County, Maryland) Homestead, in 1975 by someone who stated it had been in their family since new. The Union Mills Homestead Museum Director believed the clock to date to 1800, but Walker and Hughes were only in business from 1810 to 1825, so the clock cannot be older than 1810. David Gottleib was a clock maker working in Hanover, PA from about 1800 to 1850. The unusual feature of this clock is that it has a center seconds hand and a center calendar hand. The calendar is actuated by the back side of the roller moon dial actuator, driven off the hour pinion. Here is a photo of it, on my test stand. The replacement cables are not tied off yet, because I forgot to measure the case. When I replace the movement in the case (sometime next week) I will tie off the cables so that the weights are always under tension, even when the clock is fully run down. (That is the only way to keep them from tangling on the barrels.)

Incidentally, even though the time and strike side main wheels are not interchangeable, and the arbors have different sized pivots, some "repair person" who worked on it in the past scratched on the fronts of the wheels - where it shows glaringly - "Run" and "Strike". But he marked them on the wrong wheels; they are reversed!!! Please, people - if you MUST mark things, use "T" and "S", and make the marks small and in an inconspicuous place.

Better still, don't mark things. When I think I might reverse the time and strike main wheels or barrels, I tie a piece of brass wire through one of the openings in the strike side part. The wire reminds me that it is strike, because the strike side usually has more wires or springs in it than the time.

Posts: 213 | Location: Westminster, Maryland in the USA | Registered: March 02, 2015
IHC Life Member
Picture of Moses Gingerich
Good comments David,
I like the suggestion to put a piece of wire on the strike side to make sure we don't try to install it on the wrong spot.
Looks like a good interesting clock.
Moe Gingerich
Waxhaw NC
Posts: 143 | Location: Sarasota, Florida in the USA | Registered: March 31, 2005
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