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International Time Recording Co. School Bell Clock - Endicott, NY "Click" to Login or Register 
International Time Recording Co. School Bell Clock - Endicott, NY

A friend asked me to look at a clock he had for many years that did not run. It is a floor standing oak cased spring driven pendulum clock about 6.5 feet tall. Connected to the clock movement by a brass rod, sitting about mid case, are series of geared brass disks stacked horizonally with electrical connections to operate the various bells in a school, I believe. The clock appears to be in fairly good shape with all the parts there. I worked with watches for years until eyesight began to get bad, but do not condider myself a clock guy. I do not want to cause further damage or devaluation to a beautiful clock. Can anyone give me any information about the clock or it's possible value. Thanks
Posts: 5 | Location: Southwest Texas in the USA | Registered: July 06, 2010
Mark could you put up a picture of the clock? Usually hese were powered by a Seth Thomas 89 movement. A picture would be really helpful.
Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of Moses Gingerich
I would concur that it may well have had a Seth Thomas movement. I just sold one of those that I received in a box lot at an estate sale in Va. It had an arbor in the center going straight down.

Posts: 143 | Location: Sarasota, Florida in the USA | Registered: March 31, 2005
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