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Ultrasonic Cleaners "Click" to Login or Register 
I am looking at buying an ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning clock parts (1850-1910) vintage. Is there one or two brands out there that surpass the others. Also, what is the advantage of having a cleaner with a heater as opposed to not having a heater. Thanks
Posts: 4 | Location: West Bloomfield, Michigan USA | Registered: September 17, 2004
Hello Edward, I have an ELMA LC 130 H, H designates 'with heater'. The inside dimensions are 12 by 9 1/2 by 8. Heat is a catalyst, increases cleaning ability and really shortens the time it takes to clean. If the plates are too big to be immersed under the solution, then I use a stainless steel tank, heat the solution with a hot plate to about 110-120 degrees F of course! I use DEOX 007 from Merrit's. It's practically odorless and does a great job. NO AMMONIA. Baskets are expensive so I but them at flea mkts. or restaurant supply houses or maybe find a restaurant liquidation sale. Then I hang them from stainless wire. Don't ever let anything touch the bottom of the tank while in operation. It will shorten the life of the machine. Also, if you have a well, make sure your water is soft!!! I hope more people out there have more suggestions or comments about my ideas, I,m open to new ideas. My motto is improvise, improvise, improvise. Yours in horology, Mike.
Posts: 152 | Location: Telford, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: May 21, 2005
Thanks Michael. Your info was very helpful to me.
Posts: 4 | Location: West Bloomfield, Michigan USA | Registered: September 17, 2004
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