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Seth Thomas 44E movement "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Greg Reeves
I was wondering about the lever shown on the back plate of this movement. The only thing I can figure out is that it provides a way to "silence" the strike.

I don't remember seeing this before...any ideas?


Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
Hi Greg,

There was another post elsewhere about this. I beleive it is a weigh to insure the return of the strike locking lever.

Posts: 179 | Location: Charlotte, Michigan U.S.A. | Registered: March 31, 2004
Picture of Greg Reeves
I'll try to find it. You wouldn't happen to know the "heading" or which site it was on?
Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
Picture of Greg Reeves
I've tried searching both this board and the green board, to no avail.

I've been studying the situation and found that object will not reach the "locking wire". It will however stop the "lifting lever/unlocking wire and warning stop wire" from falling below the "center arbor". Without it the lifting wire falls too low for the center arbor lift wire to
engage. I know it sounds strange(at least to me), but could this be its use?

In the photo: the "unlocking wire" is outlined in purple and "the object" is outlined in black.

Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
I looked back and could not recognize the title of the question that was posed. But you are probably right. Now that I think back, the weighted arm alolws the hands to be turned back without injury, then returns the lever to start position.
Posts: 179 | Location: Charlotte, Michigan U.S.A. | Registered: March 31, 2004
Picture of Greg Reeves
Thanks for your help J. Bruce!
Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
Hello Gregg....I just had a Seth with a similar one. It holds the strike lever in the proper position to engage the hand pin.

If not engaged the lever swings under the hand arbor and will not allow it to strike.
Posts: 111 | Location: Sellersville, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: December 24, 2002
Picture of Greg Reeves
thanks...sort of an odd contraption, isn't it.
Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
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