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CANADIAN Private-Label Watches "Click" to Login or Register 
Railway Historian
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Canadian Pacific dial with bezel off

Railway Historian
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Hamilton Grade 936

Railway Historian
IHC Life Member
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Hamilton Grade 936 movement close-up.

Here's another Canadian Private-label watch. It's an Elgin Grade 367 (Veritas grade) with a private label from a jeweler in North Bay Ontario who was also the time inspector for the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway.

First up, the face of the watch with bezel attached.

Elgin Grade 367 Private Label Watch Face
Next, the watch with the bezel removed.

Elgin Grade 367 Private Label Dial
The movement of my Elgin Grade 367 Private-label watch.

Elgin Grade 367 Private Label watch movement
Here's some biographical information about the jeweler Gerald C. Thompson, quite an upstanding member of his community!

George C. Thompson Biographical Information
A Christmas jewelry promotion post card from Gerald C. Thompson.

Gerald C. Thompson Holiday Gift Card
Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Timetable.

Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Timetable
Railway Historian
IHC Life Member
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Here is a Hamilton Grade 940 dial

Railway Historian
IHC Life Member
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Hamilton Grade 940 Private Label Movement Marked:
"The Thomas Co., Bracebridge, North Bay and Sturgeon Falls, Ont"

Railway Historian
IHC Life Member
Site Moderator
Picture of Larry Buchan
The Hamilton Ledger's indicate the watch was finished on 1904 June 11 and sold to the Montréal Watch Case Company 1904 August 3
Picture of Dave Keefe
Thank you Larry (and the other contributors) for this fascinating thread. I really think that it could be made into a book. I've been to so many towns featured with these watches.

Going back a few years to page 9 of this thread you talk about Doug's A. Logan private label watch. Some more detail on them is that A. Logan & Co. refers to an enterprise that was owned by an uncle and his nephew: Albert "Bert" Logan and the younger Austin Logan. Bert eventually left or expanded from Greenwood to open shop up in Edmonton. He also took over the Miller Bros shop in in Midway BC, not far from Greenwood, and also along the railroad. Bert later took up a post as a Hudson’s Bay Factor in Little Red River. He lived an adventurous life, but eventually succumbed to diphtheria – apparently we can’t get away from talking about pandemics these days! A great overview of the Logan story is in this article: http://beautifulgreenwood.com/...5-18/feature111.html

Here's an ad appropriate for the month of January

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