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Illinois Gothic Dial numbers "Click" to Login or Register 
Members here are probably already aware of the beautiful Gothic style Arabic numbers on some of their Illinois watch dials. Of all the watch manufacturers and dials in regular production, I think these dials are the most beautifullest. Pictured here are three examples, each with a different '4' design as well as 2 different '3' and '7' designs. The only more beautifuller Illinois Gothic design (IMO) is the Roman Numeral Gothic. I ask readers not to put up a picture of one of these RN dials as I will drool all down the front of my bibs.

Incidentally, in case you recognize the watch with the magnificent Montgomery dial and its beautymous perfect large spade hands, it used to belong, until recently, by our own Steve Middlesworth. Smile

Very nice Mike,
The dial on the upper left is my favorite of the three.
I agree with you, these are the most beautiful faces ever to grace a pocket watch. I don't have the "roman numbers gothic" but here is my Gothic Canadian style Bunn. I would love it to be a full Montgomery.

IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
Coming in late on this, my Illinois 12s model 409 has one of these style dials, so they made them for all size watches 'in the day'. Mine dates to 1916.

It's one of my favorite daily carry watches when wearing a vest.

I hope to someday acquire an 18s version of this beautiful dialed watch in a railroad grade.

Regards! Mark
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