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An Early Columbus Watch Question "Click" to Login or Register 
posted October 01, 2010 00:17
Is this for real? I have never seen or even heard of a Columbus serial number this low. #859

Posts: 3233 | Location: Arizona in the USA | Registered: June 25, 2008
posted October 01, 2010 00:18

Posts: 3233 | Location: Arizona in the USA | Registered: June 25, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
posted October 01, 2010 00:49
That is the very first (swiss imported by Mr. Dietrich Gruen) watch offered by Columbus in the 1870's. It is about an 18s.

To say that it is quite rare is an understatement.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
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Picture of Tom Brunton
posted October 01, 2010 01:37
had one 35 years ago,not educated enough to keep it LOL Frown Roll Eyes
Posts: 1746 | Location: Aylmer, Ontario in Canada | Registered: December 15, 2009
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle
posted October 01, 2010 04:51

That's quite a find John Cool as David explained it is one of the earliest Columbus watches part of the "Under 20,000 movements" of Swiss parts origins. The cream-colored "American Pocket Watches Encyclopedia, Volume 1" from Ehrhardt devotes pages 162-170 to comprehensive Columbus information including company history and date charing, check pages 162 and 163 for coverage of the early 1874-1883 watches assembled in Columbus, Ohio using mostly Swiss components. This is still done by watch companies and not unlike some foreign car companies do here today, major components are brought in from off-shore and final assembly performed here.

There is additional information including a production date chart on pages 105-110 of the Ehrhardt "American Pocket Watch Book 2, known as the red, white and blue book.

If there is interest we could probably scan the pages I referred to above and place it in a section along with our South-Bend Catalogs as Columbus represents the early years of what became the South-Bend Watch Company. At that point we could then move most Columbus watch discussions there as well.

So let us know in this topic if that would be of interest. If you want this to happen we will need your encouragement and support to proceed with the project.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
posted October 01, 2010 07:17
I'd definitely be interested, Lindell. I've got several Columbi, and I'm still not sure what grade they are.
Posts: 2962 | Location: Western New York in the USA | Registered: March 24, 2008
posted October 02, 2010 03:27
You bet sign me up. No better place than right here.
Posts: 3233 | Location: Arizona in the USA | Registered: June 25, 2008
Picture of Ernie Loga
posted October 14, 2010 19:14
John: Nice watch! Great find.

Lin: Count me too.
Posts: 900 | Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A. | Registered: April 28, 2008
posted October 18, 2010 15:53
I'm interested as well Lin! Although, I wouldn't want to cause any extra work...only if someone has the free time.

Thank you!
Posts: 82 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: May 25, 2010
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Picture of Jerry King
posted October 19, 2010 11:02
Great idea Lin, and it would be great to have everything located in one place near each other....


Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
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