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how do i remove this jewel? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi everybody, todd here.
so, i disassembled my beautiful new york standard movement that i just received yesterday in preparation for cleaning in my beautiful cleaning machine. but, i am stuck. the hole and cap jewel of the balance that are mounted in the plate seem to be mounted via a screw ring of some kind. i know you cant see it in the pic but the jewel mount sits proud of the mounting ring. do i need a special tool to unscrew this ring or can i just mod a screwdriver so it can reach both slots without touching the jewel mount? the jewels obviously need to come out for proper cleaning. the movement was filthy.

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
IHC Member 1650

I believe that jewel just presses out with a stake from your staking set (or a jewel pusher).

Someone more experienced can correct me if I'm wrong.
Posts: 382 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: November 17, 2011
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi Douglas,
upon closer inspection i believe you are correct.
before i attempt to push out the jewel i am going to reassemble the plates and balance to check clearance re: the positioning of the depth of the jewel. as i mentioned before the jewel sits proud of the mounting ring so i think if i check balance shake before i start i should be able to put the jewel back properly.
attaching a pic of the position of the jewel mount in relation to the mounting ring.
thanks for your help

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi again Douglas,
so i put the plates back together with the balance. the balance spins freely with almost zero side shake or up and down play.
i am now going to try to push out the jewels.
i think putting them back may be a heck of a challenge.
wish me luck!

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
Picture of Todd Verriere
set up the staking set, all ready to push out the jewel. terrified i was about to destroy the jewels and turn this movement into a scrapper.

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
Picture of Todd Verriere
you were right Douglas!!
thank you!!
they are out with no damage.
just a little push by hand.
learned something new today.
thanks again

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
Picture of Todd Verriere
i would say these jewels are pretty filthy
going to peg them then into the cleaning machine they go.

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
Picture of Todd Verriere
after cleaning.
thats' better!

Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
IHC Life Member
I hope I'm wrong, but both your before and after cleaning pics of the hole jewel seem to show 2 cracks going to the hole. If this watch is to be a 'carry' watch then that jewel should be replaced since the cracks have probably left an almost imperceptible sharp edge in the hole that will wear away the balance pivot as it turns in that hole 18,000 times per hour. If the intent is for only occasional use, then you can get away with leaving it as is.
Posts: 1078 | Location: Ticonderoga, New York USA | Registered: March 01, 2008
Picture of Todd Verriere
hi Roger,
i saw that, actually there are 3 cracks.
everything i am working on at this point i consider to be student watches. i am purchasing non runners for the purpose of learning and improving my skills. once i have one of them running well it goes on the shelf and on to another. i have in mind what i want for a carry watch, but i don't yet have the skills or confidence to work on something valuable or rare. i would not want to ruin a rare watch. that is why i am purchasing junk non runners. if i make a mistake and destroy one i will not feel bad. if i ruin something of rarity and beauty i would be quite upset. i expect it will take at least a year before i have even the most rudimentary of skills but i am coming along quite nicely with the help of everyone on IHC.
thank you

would you take a look at my post of today, re: hairspring stud perhaps you could be of help
Posts: 290 | Location: Montreal in Canada | Registered: January 11, 2015
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