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Montrex Stopwatch will not reset (flyback) "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a Montrex stopwatch that will work but not reset. It has a movemenet stamped Ilona Lt. GR Swiss Made One Jewel Unadjusted. There is also a large "G" with BF inside of it and the number 410.

The watch starts and is wound with the stem and the reset mechanism is set with a seperate button at the 52 second mark.

It winds and runs ok but will not reset. There is no resistance when the reset button is pressed and nothing happens.

I realize that the stopwatch does not have any intrinsic value to speak of and would not mind trying to take it apart to fix it but I cannot find any information on this particular movement or how stopwatch mechanisms work.

My question is: Based on your experience with such stopwatches, do you suppose something could be done to make it work if I did take it apart? Or does it sound like something may be broken and beyond repair.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Posts: 1 | Location: Nova Scotia in Canada | Registered: October 29, 2014
IHC Life Member
Picture of Eugene Buffard
The only way to find out is to take it apart. Have you ever worked on a watch.
Posts: 3326 | Location: Illinois in the USA | Registered: July 06, 2010
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