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Another Accurtron question "Click" to Login or Register 
I have done a search and can't come up with the answer to my question. I have acquired a ladies accutron c 1974. Inside the case back, it reads--use accutron cell 221. What currently available battery equates to a 221.

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall

To replace the old #388 mercury battery, I believe the #329 battery will be the closest fit. However, you may have to make a small plastic shim for a snug fit.

A great place to order your watch batteries is from jewerlysupply.com

Here is a watch battery conversion chart.

Also, if the 221 is anything like the 214, don't install the battery backwards or you could do some damage.
Posts: 1123 | Location: Arizona U.S.A. | Registered: January 21, 2003
HI John, Thanks for the input. I also got a call from Frank Juchniewicz with input. Interesting to note that on the inside back cover, it specifically states to place the battery with +pole up.

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall

Do you think the illustration presented at 'accutrons.com' is incorrect? It sure looks like the (-) is pointing out. Please let us know how it works out.
Posts: 1123 | Location: Arizona U.S.A. | Registered: January 21, 2003
HI John, THanks. I was confused. The hump side goes up. THat is the neg side. The flat side is the pos. I know the battery goes in opposite of what they go in today.

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
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