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Moseley Dustband "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Sam Williamson
posted January 19, 2005 21:11
This old KW Elgin has a "Mosley's Pat. Sept 21,1869" dustband. My question has to do with removal. In the photo it has 2 sleightly elevated punch-outs. There are 2 sets of them as this is a 2-piece band. When I used a fingernail to test one of the little punch-outs,it broke off with just a touch of pressure. Now,how does one remove the dustbands without ruining them? I am amazed that this old movement(ca.1870) still has the apparently original band and I would like to preserve it if possible.

Sam Williamson

Posts: 618 | Location: Northwestern Florida in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 27, 2002
Picture of Sam Williamson
posted January 19, 2005 21:12
Next shot, the "back end" where the 2 bands meet,as well as the engraved(or punched) Moseley name.

Sam Williamson

Posts: 618 | Location: Northwestern Florida in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 27, 2002
Picture of Sam Williamson
posted January 19, 2005 21:15
A shot of the whole area. You can see the other dustband punch-outs on the left of the shot.

Sam Williamson

Posts: 618 | Location: Northwestern Florida in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 27, 2002
posted January 19, 2005 22:00

If you were to remove the barrel bridge, would they slide out from the opening created by the removal of the barrel guard? It looks like the extension of two groves in the pillar plate that the bands run in.

I have never seen one of these, so this is only speculation.
Posts: 539 | Location: Central Illinois in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 22, 2002
Picture of Frank Juchniewicz
posted January 19, 2005 22:32
Check to see if they will slide-out on the end where the two punch-outs are.I did remove one awhile ago,and I'm pretty sure they slide out of the track(trying to remember for sure).As I recall,they slide in from each end ,and meet at the middle,as your picture shows.

Posts: 440 | Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: January 28, 2003
Picture of Sam Williamson
posted January 19, 2005 22:37
Mystery solved! If you use a fine edge and insert it where the backs meet,you can slide each piece around towards the direction of the punched-out portion. Your observation of the groves on the plates enabled me to see the light! Very cool! Big Grin

Still can't believe the dustband is there after 134 years! Eek

Frank,just saw your post....and you are right! Wink

Sam Williamson

Posts: 618 | Location: Northwestern Florida in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 27, 2002
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