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Winding Stem Interchangeability With Bunn Wadsworth "Click" to Login or Register 
posted November 06, 2018 14:28
The stem and crown are case parts. Hamilton bought Illinois and eventually Illinois took off company from Illiniois Watch Company. The case style used bythe 992 series and maybe some others Are perhaps the same cases Illinios put their movements in.

In fact purchased a Bar Over Crown Bunn Special 16s and the Crown is signed Hamilton.

I ordered a 992B stem and from the measurements not so much the exact profile are near to the same. I expect it will work. Would someone have experienced this?

Looking for this stem is more fruitfull in finding listing for Hamilton than Illinois, in particular Bunn Special. ThankYou.

Regards, James
Posts: 146 | Location: New York in the USA | Registered: September 23, 2018
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle
posted November 09, 2018 06:21


On January 1st 1928 the former Illinois Watch Company of Springfield Illinois was purchased by the Hamilton Watch Company of Lancaster Pennsylvania. From that day forward, Illinois would be the Illinois Watch Division of Hamilton and Illinois products would be referred to as "The Illinois Watch" in all printed material and advertising. Illinois branded movements entering production would be marked and signed "Illinois Watch" rather than "Illinois Watch Co." as they previously had been.

As further response to your posting above, in the first paragraph you refer to "992 series" which is a term I have not heard before so perhaps you could share the movement and case numbers of the ones you are asking about, that is vital in order to help us in assisting you.

Later you asserted... "In fact purchased a Bar Over Crown Bunn Special 16s and the Crown is signed Hamilton."

Since there were no "Bar Over Crown Bunn Special" cases I am somewhat confused. Please check for matching numbers and share with us what numbers and markings you find. Having those numbers will be very helpful. (Please always include movement and case numbers in all discussions.)

Having read your other posts as well I would urge you to not make any alterations in cases until we can determine exactly what you have.

"Discretion (meaning caution) is the better part of valor."

Looking forward to your response,


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
posted November 09, 2018 17:10
There are three numbers found on the case. It is NOT Signed Bunn Special. The crown is signed Hamilton Railroad.

Case Back ends in 5576,
Bezel shows E5576
Frame is (close) E5524
Movement is 5276302

I resized the 7 pics and I can post 7 pics if I did them one at a time.

Hamilton 992B while I don’t have one is one of their Grades I guess. I saw an ebay listing and the stem looked right and had the right dimensions.
Posts: 146 | Location: New York in the USA | Registered: September 23, 2018
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle
posted November 11, 2018 10:30

The case James referenced above where the bezel and back numbers do not match the frame is a Wadsworth-Hamilton Case Model 8 and the broken stem is on "The Illinois Watch Case 181" example. I measured the "181" Stem at just slightly under 10 millimeters and a picture is posted below this message.

James formed an erroneous belief that since we told him that Hamilton bought Illinois they might have sold Illinois movements during the 1928-29 time-frame in Hamilton-marked cases. In fact they did not, but the good news is that his Type III-B Bunn Special dates to 1929 and so does his marked-as "Illinois Watch 181" case.

James needs a 10mm overall length stem like this one to fit his 181 case...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
posted November 12, 2018 19:00
I tried the fit with a 992B Case stem. The seller did not know the case maker, the stem was in a drawer marked 992B.

A total fail, the threads do not match. The stem at the widest spot passes straight through the bushed hole in the Fahys 181 Bunn Special Case.

Back to square one!
Posts: 146 | Location: New York in the USA | Registered: September 23, 2018
posted December 11, 2018 19:14
It might be time to see a watchmaker and have one made , or he might have one in stock , if you have the tools it is just a matter of turning and tapping and a little filing
Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
posted January 04, 2019 03:00
I modified the title a while back OR had a similar post in another section. Just a note here to say that two very nice IHC members helped with my issue.

Paul Davis offered to make me one from the remmnents AT the same time , Gary Cochran recognized he had a very likely spare and sent it to me. (Thanks again).

I used a stem reaming set out of the vintage and excellent area of support for us All, the folks who sold worthy tools and parts that we now are helped flurishing a freat hobby.

The threads were ALMOST correct. Out of two perameters pitch and threads per inch, my sense, I was not ABLE TO thread it to my original crown. BUT a couple of runs putting the crown through some careful reaming I got Gary’s stem to go with this Crown, perfectly.
Posts: 146 | Location: New York in the USA | Registered: September 23, 2018
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posted January 04, 2019 07:08


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Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
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