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Hamilton Wadsworth model #8 case "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 3010
I am new to the forum and collect and service pocket watches(new to servicing). I have a question about the authenticity of a Hamilton Wadsworth case #8 that has a 6 digit serial number not 7. Is it correct and if so is it around 1935?

The case serial number is 087682

Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Welcome Aboard Larry,

As you are probably aware, we have a fairly comprehensive Wadsworth Case Number Workup showing the 1935 reference as 0800000 which as you mentioned is SEVEN digits, not just six.


We do find unusual items such as yours from time-to-time. My thinking is someone was a bit "bleary-eyed" on a Monday morning and simply missed the last digit for your case.

However, another possibility could also be that two consecutive numbers alike in the complete number may have caused confusion for the machine operator.

If you are you able to find numbers stamped around the rim of the frame on front as well as around the edge of the bezel that could be very helpful and might even contain the missing digit.

As an example of full markings Wadsworth Case 8 number 0644618 carries X4618 down low on the front of the case frame and X4618 inside of the bezel edge. (Wadsworth used an "X" followed by the last 4 digits on frame and bezel.) Notice the consecutive "44" in that number which is the kind of thing that could have confused the person stamping numbers inside your case-back and may have caused a number to be omitted.

Please post an image of the entire case for authenticity and let us know what you find on the frame and bezel. Your complete case information will be worthwhile to retain for reference.

You do have a "circa 1935" case and the movement number is always of interest too, please share it with us as well. Thanks for sharing your very interesting case!


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 1357
I too,have a six digit Wadsworth Model 8 case
087881, X7881 on bezel and body.
992E movement s/n 2606854. Circa 1935-1937

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 3010
Thank you so much for the reply. Yes both the bezel and case frame have X7682 marked on them. As far as a movement I have a separate 992B movement from 1949 that I may put into this case. Yes I know they are far away different dates. The reason is the case is from 1935 that is my fathers birth year and he loves the 992B movement and I may put it into it for him. Maybe also look for a 1949 case. I just loved the Model 8 case.

Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 3010
Her is the movement just placed in the case.

Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


This is very interesting and something I had not previously been aware of.

Roger's CASE 8 numbered 087881 and Larry's 087682 less than 200 numbers below indicates yet another note is required in our Wadsworth Case Numbers Workup to point out this important fact. One odd case could be an "error" as I suggested above but when we find two it becomes worthy of notation for the historical record!

Thanks to both of you for sharing those important numbers!

And Larry, not to preach at you but the Case 8 was used for only for a short time, from 1931 through 1936 and installing a 992B from a decade-and-a-half later in a Case 8 even makes another set of case-screw marks on the case frame which we should always avoid. Rather than putting a 1949 "B" movement in a mid-1930s "Pre-B" case please consider using a similar looking 1949-era Case 2 for the 1949 movement you have.

The fact that has come to light about "6-digit" case numbers from Wadsworth in 1935 makes it all the more important to keep this particular 1935 case original with a 1935 Hamilton 992-Elinvar movement. Changing things around like you contemplate greatly decreases value and removes collector interest causing the result to be in essentially the "parts-watch" category. Those are your parts and the choice of how to use them is yours and yours alone, but as you spend more time with us and learn more about this hobby you will come to realize that condition and authenticity are exceedingly important.

Many of us treasure a complete, correct example from the year we came on the scene and since your father is from 1935 having a correct, complete 1935 Hamilton 992-Elinvar in Case 8 along with 1935 advertising showing the complete watch and other materials to go with it would likely mean a great deal to him. He might also like to have a 992B for the family collection, there are many ways to go there, all of them are interesting.

The whole point in all the many hours of research we do on movements and cases is to maintain these historical artifacts in original condition to the greatest extent possible. As serious collectors we are caretakers of Horological History and if you would like to have help in putting correct examples together we will do all we can to be of assistance.

That is why we are here,


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 3010
Lindell thank you for your thoughts. Yes I agree the case deserves a proper dated movement which I am looking for. I will also look for a proper case for the 1949 movement.

thank you,
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 3010
Anyone here that can help locate the 992E (1935) and/or a 1949 case I would appreciate it.
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 1357
Just to document my 992E in case 8

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1357

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1357

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Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
IHC Member 3010
I have a question about what would be a date appropriate movement for a 1935 Model #8 case? I know that 1935 would be no question appropriate, however, would a 1934 or 1936 be also appropriate?
thank you,
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 3010
Was looking on line and found this. Here is another example looks like 087551?

Also all three of these examples have the numbers in a line not a "v".

Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


The recent case number you found (Thanks!) ends in either 551or 661 so rechecking the source might be worthwhile. Unfortunately, someone added some machining apparently to remove “service marks” from inside the case-back.

That movement information is a part of the "Gelson Listings" included in our exclusive "Hamilton Movement Number Listings and Reference Materials” section.

According to information on numbered page 20 of the "Gelson Listings" a 992-Elinvar from the 1934-37 time frame should be within approximately 2595000 through 2608000 and perhaps a little beyond those numbers as movements can lag a bit behind case numbers and cases can sit in inventory a while before being used in production.

I would once again urge you to “Join and Support Internet Horology Club in order to participate fully in our “BUY AND SELL HERE, THE IHC185™ TRADING MART” to see all that is for sale and you can also advertise for all your wants at no additional cost.

When you join, that is a good time to buy a Watch Guide which is chock-full of valuable information.

At this time, as a “Registered User” you can see only a small percentage of all we have available to IHC Members so joining could be quite beneficial for you.

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Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 3010
I looked at it again and can't get a better image. Looks like 551.
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 3010
Thank you for your input. An alternative would be to sell the Model 8 case rather than finding a movement for it. What do you think such a case with rare numbering would be worth. Don't know if this is appropriate here to ask such a question but I could not find anywhere else to post questions about value.
thank you,
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 3010
Anyone have an idea what such a case would be worth? Again not sure this is the forum for this but no one has answered me.
thank you,
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 1357
Larry, I will put my 2 cents in and that is about all it is worth.
Since I have one of these cases, I like to think there would be a
premium because of it's scarcity. Now whether anyone else would do the
same is the question. The case in good shape, no brassing, tight bow,
good crystal, no dents ding's etc. should bring $100-150.00.
Post it here with a reserve and test the waters.
Just my opinion.

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1357
Another Model 3 six digit 992E on the Jones-Horan
Auction. S/N 2617067, Case 087613

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1357
I can't upload the movement for some reason.
s/n 2617067
Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 1851
Larry , be sure to take your time, research sales.
As you already know loose #8 cases are not readily found available among common circles.
The current value I’ve recently paid at auction is much higher than suggested.

Regards, Paul
Posts: 208 | Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado in the USA | Registered: April 23, 2013
IHC Member 3010
Yes It might be a little low for recently on Ebay one that had the 7 digits sold for CA $200.
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 3010
The 087613 case is up on Ebay now for sale. case alone.
Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
IHC Member 1357
I will be watching that one.

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
This case is on ebay. Apparently bought at J&H auction. Described as unworn, yet with some serious scratches on case back.
Posts: 653 | Location: St Paul, Minnesota in the USA | Registered: May 04, 2004
IHC Member 1357
Sold for $224.94 Scratches and all!

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
IHC Member 3010
there is another one up on Ebay for $165


Posts: 91 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: October 22, 2019
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