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German Watch "Click" to Login or Register 

I have no evidence for this, but if my memory serves me correctly, most goods produced anywhere in the world at around that time,if stamped with a country of origin, had that written in English. I think it was an international trading convention, no matter what language prevailed in the country of origin (or intended destination). Maybe it still exists??

Some Internet research could bring up something. but I'm a little busy right now.
Posts: 746 | Location: Tokyo, Japan | Registered: December 25, 2003
Illinois Expert

It's obvious my fingers type faster than my brain functions -- I meant to type "gegen" and simply blew it.

"In dieser Gegend gibts keiner dagegen."
Posts: 20 | Location: Urbana, Illinois U.S.A. | Registered: May 23, 2004
Hey Russ, Alles ist gute.

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
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Picture of Greg Crockett
For historical context, here is a propaganda postcard mailed in October, 1914. Arrayed before the spike-helmeted German are his various cartoon adversaries. Belgium has clearly been hit and the “Frankriech” with an African colonial by his side is dropping his weapon in fear. In the background a city is burning. A calm chubby German smiles as he smokes a pipe and passes out rifles. I have not had the card translated yet.

Posts: 2047 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
Illinois Expert

A translation of the text in the lower, left-hand corner would be: "Slowly, but surely! One after another!" (or: "One-by-one" we might say.)

Posts: 20 | Location: Urbana, Illinois U.S.A. | Registered: May 23, 2004
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Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
Thanks Russ.

Here is another example of the same watch but with a different back soldered on.

Posts: 2047 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
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