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Tight Bezel "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi Can someone help me out on this, I put this watch in to a watch repairers hands in Feb, for a clean and service, Got it back today minus the second hand, it’s keeping good time, I have a couple of second hands that may fit ? But I can’t get the bezel off don’t know whether it is a snap on or a screw on, any ideas that may help would be appreciated

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009

Posts: 107 | Location: Liverpool, England | Registered: November 27, 2009
IHC Member 1101
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth

It looks like a snap on bezel and near the 1 O'clock position can you see a slight opening between the case and bezel? If so, this is were a case knife would be used to get in and pop the bezel off. You can also use a pocket knife but be careful and don't cut yourself.

If you just had it cleaned and the bezel won't budge trying to unscrew it, then it is probably a snap on bezel.

Posts: 1980 | Location: Kentucky in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2008
IHC Life Member
I agree. It´s probably a snap on bezel. If you can´t find an opening at one o´clock, just check the rest of the perimeter. The cut or what´s it called is on the bezel and can therefore be anywhere. If you use anything but a case knife, make sure it´s not too sharp because not only can you hurt yourself but you will scratch the case and/or the dial.
Posts: 375 | Location: Backaryd, Sweden | Registered: April 19, 2009
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