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How to proceed on the LOST AND STOLEN WATCHES AND CLOCKS ISSUE, let's decide! "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

How to proceed on the LOST AND STOLEN WATCHES AND CLOCKS ISSUE, let's decide!

In recent days we learned of the sad situation of long-time IHC185™ Member Bernhard Schmidt being the victim of thieves and losing a substantial portion of his collection.

Here is where we need to make a decision...


Previously, when items are lost or stolen we have started topics in the appropriate forum. We could continue that, meaning for example placing announcements of stolen pocket watches in the Pocket Watch Discussions such as the watch featured in the topic HAMILTON 992B STOLEN! which one day may be recovered due to the high visibility of that topic.


We could launch a completely new forum titled something like "LOST AND STOLEN WATCHES AND CLOCKS" that would act as a central registry for such things. It could contain all the previous topics on this subject, stories of losses, tips on avoiding losses and hopefully some recoveries by our IHC185™ Members as well as IHC185™ Registered Users and others. We can do this now or we can continue with the process outlined in "Choice A" for the time being.

As always IHC185™ is driven by your participation and your suggestions.

Let's hear your thoughts!


Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA
IHC Life Member
Site Moderator

Picture of Tom Brown
I would go with "B" one reason being, sometimes I think I might have spotted a missing watch but then I have trouble finding where it was originally posted & trying a search by serial number does not always return with any results.

Location: New Mexico in the USA
POCKET WATCH DISCUSSIONS is such a generic title that anytime a logical grouping can be cut out and given its own 'domain' makes sense to me. Such action would bring more attention to the subject. I believe this domain should be open to any person (member of IHC, or not) who has had a theft of horological items as we all can be victims of a thief. A cross listing of stolen items with other forums would be nice. I am horrified by stories of ebay watch sellers who have had valuable watches/clocks returned after buyers have stolen valuable parts - returning them with cheaper substitutes. I understand ebay sellers can no longer diss buyers.
Finally, a recent item here where IHC members made up a loss of watch hands that were stolen really showed me what our members are like... and I LIKE it! When a story of woe is told, IHC steps up to the plate when ever possible.
Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA
Picture of Ernie Loga
I like the B choice. Putting lost or stolen items with the general discussions get lost in the discussions. Giving them their own section makes sense to me.
Location: Wisconsin in the U.S.A.
I also believe the "B" choice is the way to go,always there easy to find, etc, and if we stay on topic with it, very useful.
Location: British Columbia in Canada
IHC Life Member
Picture of Mitch Markovitz
It's "B" for me as well. It would be helpful for each thread to be titled by discription and serial number.
Location: Northern Indiana in the USA
IHC Life Member
"B" for me! Also, if the items are NOT stolen from the mail, and you've made a report to the appropriate law enforcement, make sure they have serial numbers and case (watch) numbers to enter into the computer system. Follow up through a Postal Inspector if the theft was from the mail, as your local postmaster may just figure insurance as the cost of doing businesss. Make sure the numbers get into the national system(NCIC). Remember the case numbers must be entered as well, because those folks who aren't watch people may take the case number for the serial of the watch.

Location: Oak Harbor, Washington in the USA
Railway Historian
IHC Life Member
Site Moderator
Picture of Larry Buchan
I am for the "B" option, too many topics get buried in the regular Pocket Watch Discussions.

Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada
Agreed - the B option would allow for a Lost and Perhaps Someday Found reference section.
Location: Western New York in the USA
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
I am no different than all the others that have replied....
I agree with Mitch in that each watch should have it's personal thread with description and serial number....
Also, I agree with Bob, that each case number should be listed....
In addition, if photos of the watch / clock are available they should be posted as well....

The main Topic "LOST OR STOLEN WATCHES/CLOCKS" should be on the front page and open to everyone, member or not....

That's my take, there will be others....we need as much participation as possible....


Location: California in the USA
IHC Life Member
Picture of Mitch Markovitz
Thanks, Jerry.

The reason I suggested the individual threads begin with discription and serial number is that the finding of each thread would be easier, at least for me. If each thread began,"My Great Watch was Stolen!" you'd have a lengthy search ahead of you.
Location: Northern Indiana in the USA
Picture of Edward Kitner
I also vote for "B', for all the reasons already stated.
Location: New York State in the USA
Picture of Mary Ann Scott
I will go with option "B", as a specific forum would be easier to navigate. I also agree with a separate topic for each item with as much information as possible for that item.

Thank you, Lindell, for offering a part of IHC185 for this subject. The more eyes there are looking for stolen watches and clocks, the greater the chance for recovery.
Location: The Colony, Texas in the USA
I also will vote for option B

Location: Northern Ohio in the USA
Option B is the way to go. It's just sad that we need to have a topic dedicated to stolen watches. Frown

Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California USA
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
I vote for "B" also. It would be nice to maintain a link to a list of stolen stuff grouped by clocks and watches and listed by serial numbers (single sequential list) and also alpha listing by manufacturer. I would be glad to help arrange the watch listing and maintain it if another IHC185'er could help with the clocks, and co-editing.(I make mistakes).
Location: Southern California in the USA
IHC Life Member
Sergeant at Arms
Picture of Scott A. Whittey
Location: California City, California USA
Picture of Wayne Hanley
B, please!

Location: Northern California in the USA
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
B as well.

Regards! Mark
Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine


As you may have noticed we launched the new forum following your suggestions...


It is in a separate category so it can be moved up or down as the need arises to draw additional attention.

See what you think of it and continue to comment and suggest in this topic.


Dr. Deborah L. Irvine
IHC Administrative Assistant
Membership and Marts Coordinator

Contact eMail: ihc185@roadrunner.com

Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A.
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