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Electronic timer. "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi from England!!.
Does anyone have any wiring diagrams or information on how to build a timing machine suitable for timing pocket watches?. I am sure something must be available along the lines perhaps of an Occiliscope and using the beats of the watch as compared to a digital watch?.
It can't be all that difficult. The price of a commercial machine seems very expensive considering what it does.
I was thinking of showing a Sine wave on a screen from a digital watch and transposing the watch to be adjusted and align them both up through adjustment, it would save a heck of a lot of time and of course, the watch could be adjusted in several positions to get the best average.
Just an idea.........any thoughts?.
Posts: 189 | Location: Kent in the United Kingdom | Registered: May 27, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Stephen to "match" watch speed, one of the better ways is to put an accurate running watch on your "bad" ear, let it tick there for a few seconds, then take the "unknown" watch and put it in your "good" ear so you can hear them both together. You can quickly tell if the unknown is running "out of synch."

Other than that, Beat Error, Duration, and Timing are all somewhat elusive things to try to correllate except with a nice watch timer. The best deal (and one I use) is the Mumford Microset. For US$250.00, it has most everything you want. See it at;

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Thanks for the reply Dave. It certainly looks like just the thing I need.....
Posts: 189 | Location: Kent in the United Kingdom | Registered: May 27, 2010
Stephen, I took David's advice and purchased the Mumford Microset timer. Am completely satisfied with it and regret only waiting a year trying to make up my mind. I don't think you or anyone else who needs a simple to use,accurate timer could beat the quality and price.
R/S bj wmson

BJ Williamson
Posts: 45 | Location: Winona, Mississippi in the USA | Registered: December 31, 2007
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