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Equity Watch Co. "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi all,
I saw on e-bay the other day an Equity Watch Co. watch and the seller stated that is actually made by waltham, is there truth to this, are they an offshoot from waltham.
Thanks for info.
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
Yes they are made be Waltham. I have several movements and no cases to put them in as the movements are slightly smaller than a 16 size.
Posts: 39 | Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA | Registered: October 19, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown
Charles beat me to the answer, I was doing some research. According to "Vol 1 Encyclopedia & Price Guide American Pocket Watches" by R Ehrhardt;

"Equity was cased at the factory & sold as a complete watch in nickel & gold filled jointed & screw back & bezel open face cases & 3-lid gold filled huntin cases. The movement is 16 1/2 size & is hard to fit into other cases."

Apparently they were made in 7 & 15 jewel models.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Both Equity and the Home watch Co were lower grade watches that were sold under their respective "brands" so as to not denegrate the Waltham name.

happy hunting,
Bill Kapp
Posts: 881 | Location: Arroyo Grande, California USA | Registered: February 22, 2004
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Picture of David Abbe
Two 7j and one 15j Equity's. (note one 7j is not marked on the wheel, so the only place it is "named" is the "Equity" sig. on the dial.)

The only thing that really links them to A.W.W.Co. is the exclusive (and very fragile) Waltham self-springing "click". They bear a slight resembelance to some 12s waltham plate works, and I think they were intended for an export of private label market.

The most frustrating to me is their 6 digit serial number is in no way traceable to date of manufacture.

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
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