Two weekends ago, my family and I were in Madison, Wisconsin and went to the awesome Farmer's Market downtown around the Capitol Square.
Throughout the downtown area were highly decorated cow sculptures which my two boys thought were really cool. We spent a good part of the morning tracking down the cows and taking pictures of them.
One of the cows we came across was called "Pasture Bedtime" which was completely covered with wristwatches, pocket watches, clocks, bands, dials, etc.
I thought I'd share some pictures of this creative horological art.
Posts: 1755 | Location: Colorado in the USA | Registered: October 17, 2005
INteresting thanks for the photos. Your son looks like he ins't shy of photos. Hey you didn't see any dials or watches worth taking your knife out and widdling away did you
Hi John F., Wow, that's some cow. Your little one is a cutie!
I'd like to take my magnifying glass and scour around that cow. Wondering too what dials, pocket watches, wristie's were used on him. Also wondering who the heck did that?
Stephanie O'Neil
Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
My Son lives about two blocks from the capitol. Maybe the next time I go to see him I can bring a hammer and chisle along.......wait a moment I'm going to Madison tomorrow.
Posts: 225 | Location: Belmont, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 09, 2004