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sterling silver casemaker ID question "Click" to Login or Register 
I picked up a nice screw back and bezel 16 size sterling silver case. Inside the case back is engraved: c.w.mfg co 925/1000 fine. looks to be hand engraved and not stamped. I believe case dates to 1900-1910 as it has Waltham 1899-08 case crew marks. I can find info on Couvoisier-Wilcox Mfg. Co but no definite info on them after 1892. I believe that the majority of pre-1900 silver cases were hinged. The hand engraving suggests a trademark re-use by a later factory. Any ideas on who actually made this case??
Posts: 653 | Location: St Paul, Minnesota in the USA | Registered: May 04, 2004
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
Just on general principles, I would be very skeptical about any case hallmark that was hand-engraved instead of stamped.

It strongly suggests something that was added later, rather than an original marking.

If you could post a picture of the case & hallmark, we could get a much better handle on it.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
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