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Recommended movement, dial, hands for 16s case? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 935
Months ago, I bought a 16s stainless steel case planning to have a 992B movement installed, but now I wonder if other movements might do just as well or even better. A dial and hands are also needed. Any recommendations, including sources, will be much appreciated. Thanks.

Posts: 175 | Location: Davis, California USA | Registered: March 10, 2007
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hi Mort,

I think you mean a MODEL 15 which is the 16-size Hamilton Stainless Steel Case.

The answer is only one watch movement came in that case, the 992B Hamilton.

The 992B was used from mid-1950 through to the end in 1969-70 time-frame.

Hope this helps,


992B in Model 15 Stainless makes a great carry-watch...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 935
Thanks for the instructive tutorial, Lindell. I will proceed accordingly. Does anyone reading this have or know of an available 992B movement, and also the proper dial and hands? Yes, I am looking to come up with a watch to carry when I go on duty each week with Amtrak.
Posts: 175 | Location: Davis, California USA | Registered: March 10, 2007
I see them on ebay on a regular basis- movement will be around $200, hands are cheap- the dial is the real problem.

For an origional porc. railway special dial- upwards of $150-$250, melamine dials are around $50-$100. I have come across many regular Hamilton dials- that are period correct- but I do not know if they were ever issued on the 992bs- they are around $50

Good luck! I quess this is why some people can make a living "parting out" watches
Posts: 47 | Location: Hamlin, New York USA | Registered: March 05, 2007
Picture of Grant Perry
If it is a 992B that you want (which is a great watch), I would suggest buying a 992B complete watch for use if you want something to use soon. I would then hold on to the case a keep an eye out for a 992B movement with dial and hands still intact. It may take a while to find one at a decent price. I suspect that you will pay more purchasing the parts separately then the value of the total watch. Alternatively you could toss another 16 size movement in the case until a 992B can be had, or sell the case….
Good luck!

Grant Perry
Posts: 334 | Location: Ottawa, Canada | Registered: January 28, 2003
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